Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Not even ten minutes in and the four boys were already wandering around aimlessly through the crowded streets, maneuvering their way through the giggling brats. "So where are we going this year?" Devil Lad asked as he trailed behind the group with his hands buried in the front pocket of his hoodie.

"Anywhere that isn't full of snot nose brats" Spencer said, snarling at one of the children that accidentally bumped into him. Devil Lad shrugged his shoulders before coming to a stop as he turned his head to the side slowly, before making eye contact with a girl that was standing across the street. Her fluffy black hair had orange dye done messily on the top as eyes with spider web contacts in them stared at him. She wore a simple white tank top with a black jacket and skinny jeans, her hands were buried in her jacket as her cheeks were tinted pink from the cold air.

"Hey, Finch" he said, causing the three boys that were a couple of feet ahead of him to stop and look back.

"Yes Devil Lad" Finch said, his golden eyes staring at his friend with a raised eyebrow.

"Who's that?" The Devil mask wearing boy asked, pointing a slim finger towards the girl that just continued to stand there.

"Oh, her, that's October. She went to school with Mr. Kitty, Pig Pig, and I" Finch said, waving his hand in a dismissive manner.

"Then why is this the first time I'm seeing her?" Devil Lad asked, looking at his friend with the beady yellow eyes of his mask.

"Eh, her family doesn't let her out much I think because of Pussy Boy here" Finch said, jabbing his thumb towards the blonde haired teen whose blue eyes were wide with excitement and his tongue was poking out as he stared at the girl from across the street.

"Do tell" Devil Lad said, crossing his arms as he stared at the leader of their group with interest.

"Let's just say that Spencer wouldn't stop harassing her" Finch said, crossing his arms as well as he looked at the older teen.

"Ah, doesn't surprise me" Devil Lad said, nodding his head. "Well, is there a reason why she's staring?" He asked, as the red head shrugged his shoulders.

"Who knows, she was always strange" Finch said, turning on his heel and continuing to walk, grabbing Spencer's wrist and dragging the spaced out boy behind him as Pig Pig followed as well. Devil Lad cast one final glance at October before following his three friends. Now Finch was certainly right about October being strange, she was the kind of person that didn't like messing with others and would be consider no less than a ticking time bomb. She was quite smart and usually avoided any trouble that came at her, but Spencer was the one thing she couldn't avoid. Some would call her unstable after the scene that took place that Monday afternoon in lunch when the blonde had tried to fill her up.

Which the ending results, were him lying on the school's cafeteria floor with a plastic fork jabbed into his left eye while his body was twitching and moans of pain escaped his lips. Of course after a week he was better and held no grudge towards the girl, even when the police came knocking on his door and telling him of the restraining order she was threatening to put on him. The raven haired girl's webbed eyes watched after the four boys with mild interest. Especially, the Devil mask wearing boy who she had made eye contact with, soon she hummed as she heard the sound of petite footsteps walking towards her. Looking towards the sound she found Monica, the strange girl that she oddly hanged out with.

She had grown in height over the years, her once medium length black hair was now longer and her blue eyes were even bigger than normal eyes. She wore the same outfit as every year, a black angel's costume, in her hands she clutched a brown sack that had dark stains on the bottom and was dripping with a red substance. "Let me guess, another dog?" October mused; her 'friend' had a strange obsession with dogs, calling them "Spawns of the Devil". Every year was the same for the two girls once they started hanging out.

"Yep" Monica said, as she held the bag open for October to stare inside. Inside was a small beagle.

"Poor thing" October mumbled as she saw that its skull had been crushed in and a hush gash that was still oozing with blood ran down from its neck to its stomach. Even after the alien invasion and mysterious gas that had killed everyone, once Monica was back up and moving she continued to kill and bury the dogs in her "sanctified ground". Leaning back, October looked towards the tree lines were the same dead dogs from every year stood, growling at the black angel dressed girl. "I think you have company" October mused as her 'friend' turned around and stared towards the tree lines as well.

"Seems so, my chainsaw should still be in the shed" Monica mused as she closed the bag and let it drag across the ground as she walked away, leaving a blood trail. October watched after her for a while before looking back down the road were Finch and the others had disappeared to. Straightening herself out, she slowly began to walk down the sidewalk, avoiding every little kid that ran by her. With Finch and them they made it to the park, the only area that seemed de-voided of life with only the occasional teenager walking by with carton of eggs and rolls of toilet paper in their hands.

"Here again" Pig Pig whined before clutching the back of his head were Spencer hit him.

"Quit your whining!" the boy dressed like a cat snapped.

"Ow, that hurt you fuck-face!" Pig Pig snapped back, clenching his fist and glaring at the taller teen.

"Good" Spencer mumbled as he plopped down on one of the park benches, shivering a little as the cool metal of the bench made contact with the skin on his legs that weren't covered up. "We need to find a new fucking way to spend this day other than just hanging out in random fucking locations" cat boy hissed as he crossed his arms and leaned back on the bench.

"True, it does get quite boring not having any means to being out here" Finch said, holding his chin as he became deep in thought. Many times he thought to do like Squeak and Bubbles and just plain out steal candy from the kids or try to be like those pathetic teenagers that still tried to get candy off of the adults by going house to house with the little kids. Soon the other boys started thinking as well. With October she walked down the street, watching as the crowd of children started dwindling down in the direction she was going. She suddenly came to a stop when she took note of the wheezing teenager that was crawling down the sidewalk, his stomach with a huge gash and his innards were falling out.

"H-help" he weakly said as October stared down at him before a blonde haired girl stepped on his back, a wide smile on her face. She was dressed like a killer; her choppy blonde hair was a mess as she stared up at October with blue eyes. Her hands were behind her back as she giggled while starting to bounce up and down on the dying teens back.

"You're Finch's little sister, right?" October asked as she bent down to be leveled with the hyperactive blonde. If there's one thing everyone knew about Finch's sister, she was like a Sheryl Temple, if Sheryl Temple was played by Jeffery Dahmer that is. Most people believed that she wasn't right in the head and hell they were all probably right. In a swift motion October grabbed Moochie's wrist as she held a large kitchen knife high in her small hand. "Mind telling me where your brother and his friends are?" She asked, lips twitching up into a crooked smile.

Moochie quickly shook her head back and forth. Last time October heard the girl was going through a strange no speaking phase. In a way it was kind of pleasant not hearing those nonsense sentences the little girl would say while running around. Before October could react, Moochie ripped her wrist from her grasp and took off running, laughing all the way. The teenager that she had been standing on had long since stopped moving as he just laid there attracting flies.

"Thanks for the help, you fucking psycho" the raven haired girl mumbled sarcastically, standing up and burying her hands in her jacket pockets. The temperature seemed to have dropped a little more causing the pink on her cheeks to deepen in color. "God, do I hate the cold" October mumbled to herself as she continued to trek down the road and leaving the dead teenager's body to lay there and rot. It was only the beginning of the night and already things have started to turn for the worst, but then again, when has anything ever turned out right during Halloween in this town. Turgid Meadows had always been a place that attracted all things horrifying and unnatural, that was something everyone in town knew.

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