Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Finch and the others gave up in thinking of something else to do as they all decided to just walk around until something happens. As they were already starting to head away from the park and further down the street, Devil Lad stopped as the others didn't noticed and continued to walk on further ahead. Turning around he was soon mask to face with October who had her hands buried deep into her pocket. The pink that had tinted her cheeks was now a darker shade as the breath coming from her parted lips could be seen, that's how cold it had gotten. Devil Lad stared at her with the yellow orbs of his mask, as she slowly walked over to him.

She then came to a complete stop as she now stood at arm's length from him. "October, right?" he questioned as he stood there. She just nodded her head, webbed eyes filled with amusement as they looked him up and down.

"Correct, I'm guessing Finch told you my name" she said, as she soon started to walk around him. He just stood there, not affect by her gaze as she walked in circles around him, eyes boring into his body as they checked every inch of him.

"Yeah, the name's Devil Lad" was all Devil Lad said, as he put his hands in his pockets and watched her with slight amusement.

"Hm and I'm guessing you're not from around here, are you Devil Lad?" October asked.

"I don't know, you tell me" he said.

"I see you every year with Finch and them, but never once did I see you at school or anywhere else in town, so I'm guessing you live somewhere else" October said as she came to a stop in front of the boy once more. A shiver ran up her spine as he chuckled darkly and started to walk in circles around her now. But his movements were slow and steady, like a predator circling around its prey.

"So what if I am? I'd be careful if I were you, you might end up disembodiment" Devil Lad said, leaning in close from behind her, near her ear. If he wasn't wearing his mask, she would have been able to feel his breath on her skin.

"Ha! Don't make me laugh; I've survived this long, haven't I? Don't go doubting me just yet" October growled as she straighten herself and watch as he pass by her front once more before disappearing behind her once again.

"Oh, how so?" he asked.

"Zombie apocalypse just stayed inside until you and those friends of your set off that damn bomb that took out half of the town. I even saw you crawl out of that crater unscathed, then that alien invasion, just sat on the outskirts of town and watched. Until that Kevin kid set off some kind of gas, which took out every white person in town except you. Took a while until that gas reached me though" October said narrowing her eyes as Devil Lad stayed looming behind her. Mentioning Kevin made her start to wonder whatever happened to the kid.

His full name was Kevin Kyle Kramer (which earned him a very offensive nickname from Finch). His family was the only black people in town until that faithful Halloween day. While all the aliens ran ramped through the streets in search of test subjects and sweets, Moochie was making herself busy in trying to find out the meaning of an abortion. Which lead her to kill Kevin's poor father who was the doctor of the town. She even threatened to kill poor Kevin if he didn't help her find out where her aborted baby sister was.

The poor kid snapped and set off a deadly gas that had killed all the white folks in town while he and Devil Lad left to go to the next town over. Even after everyone recovered, his father was still dead and he never really returned. He was never even mentioned ever again, the police didn't care and neither did the towns folk. But, October couldn't help but wonder how he was doing all these years and if he was even still alive. This then brought up another question about that day.

The gas Kevin set off was meant to kill all white people in town that day; Devil Lad was clearly white due to his pale skin giving that away. But yet he survived the deadly gas and walked with the kid to the next town over. "You're not human, are you?" She asked staring forward as the boy behind her gave a deep laugh. From the street lamp she could see how his shadow fell over hers and just how much taller he was then her.

"Maybe, maybe not, what do you think?" Devil Lad asked once again as there was shuffling behind October. She felt strong hands grab her shoulders and warm breath on the shell of her ear as the boy leaned forward. Though she couldn't see it, she knew he had pushed his mask up just a little to show his mouth. "You're interesting October, I'm sure you've got the brains and guts to survive tonight" he breathed out, causing her to shiver. Soon the warm air that had been hitting her ear disappeared as Devil Lad leaned away from her and fixed his mask.

"Shall we go?" He asked, taking his place right beside her. His mask fixed perfectly so that none of his face was showing. October stared at him with a raised eyebrow before shrugging her shoulders.

"Sure" she said, as the two started to walk side by side down the side walk in silence. From time to time, the raven haired girl would cast a glance to the boy beside him. His whole demeanor seemed to change since their talk, instead of having a calm attitude he seemed excited about something. With Finch, Spencer, and Pig Pig the boys spoke among each other throwing ideas around here and there. That is until Pig Pig stopped mid sentence and looked around.

"Uh guys, where's Devil Lad?" He asked, looking left and right for their friend.

"What, you mean we lost the guy?" Spencer asked, taking note of their missing friend. "Great this is just great, we lost the bastard" he said, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

"He'll turn up sooner or later, no need to worry" Finch said continuing to walk before coming to a stop as he almost ram into someone who had their back to him. The person he almost rammed into was a young woman who turned around to face him. "Nips?" he questioned, earning a glare from the woman as she sneered at him.

"Don't call me that you little freak" she sneered. Nips' was a tall, slim woman whose short blonde hair had grown out a little. Her blue eyes were icy cold and always hateful to anyone that dare crossed her. How she got her nickname, simple, it came from her huge chest that held breast the size of beach balls, maybe even bigger. She always wore clothes that barely covered anything, reason being her and her dumb-witted boyfriend, Biff, liked to have fun in public places.

"Why hello there" Spencer said, a perverted smile on his lips as he raced beside Finch. His eyes were wide with excitement as they looked the older woman up and down.

"Oh great, it's you" Nips hissed, placing her hands on her hips as she glared at the three boys.

"Still angry about the whole incident during that alien invasion?" Finch asked, his golden eyes holding an un-amused stare.

"Yes I'm still angry about that and even the incident that happened long before that!" Nips sneered. What she was referring to was the time the boys had beat her head in after she passed out and the time that they sawed her head off so that Spencer would have full control over her body because the aliens had sewn his head onto her body.

"It's been years since that, you're alive now, aren't you?" Pig Pig said, only to shrink back as the blonde sneered at him.

"Shut up you little punk, I had hoped tonight was going to be pleasant, but seeing you three just screams trouble. So I'm leaving before something horrible happens" Nips growled, turning on her heels and walked away. Spencer started to follow after her before being stopped by Finch who grabbed his hood and pulled him back.

"Let it go man, you'll probably someone more easier to grab at later on tonight" the red head said, as his friend crossed his arms and grumbled.

"Hey guys" they all heard Devil Lad's voice as they turned to face him. Beside him was October whose eyes narrowed when she saw Spencer who only smirk and waved at her as she and Devil Lad stopped in front of the group. Her lips drew back into a snarl at the blond whose eyes looked up and down at her.

"Devil Lad, October" Finch said, raising an eyebrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2015 ⏰

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