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Hey guys! This is my new book. It is a fairy tail fanfic that mainly focuses on Lucy, Mavis, and Zeref, Natsu also will have a large roll in the story.

Updates will be random for now because I don't like having to have writing finished by a certain time, and I only write when I feel like it, which is pretty often. I'll try to update often!

So, enjoy!

~Year X397~
~Tenrou Island~

A girl with long blonde hair walked with a boy, he had black hair. They walked through the village they lived in, hand in hand. They were only kids.

"Hey, let's race to the end of the road." The girl said to the boy as they stopped walking. The boy smirked before replying.

"You're on!" He replied, they both got ready to run.

"3... 2... 1... Go!" The girl yelled as she ran off, the boy not far behind. The girl tripped and fell to the ground. The boy came to a stop next to her.

"Are you okay?" He asked. The girl smiled at his kindness as he helped her up.

"I'm okay, thanks." She said as they walked down the road.

~Year X408~
~11 years later~

The two children from before were now teens, and they were dating. The young couple sat by a river, watching the sunset.

"The sunset is so beautiful." The girl said to the boy.

"Yeah, but not as beautiful as you." The boy replied as he put his arm around the girl. She giggled.

"I love you." She said as she leaned against the boy.

"I love you too." He replied happily.

~Year X420~
~12 years later~

The teens are now adults, they're married, and they had a 4 year old daughter, she had blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. The two adults and their child sat in the shade of a tree. The child sat on the woman's lap.

"Mama, will I be a wizard like you and papa when I'm older?" The little girl asked her mother. The mother smiled sadly at the child, hoping this moment could last forever, but her and her husband have a feeling that these happy times wouldn't last for much longer.

"Of course you will sweetie, if you wanna be a wizard, then you can, you just need to work hard." The woman told her daughter. She turned to her husband, he smiled at her sadly.

"Mama, papa, why do you seem so sad?" The girl asked her parents curiously.

"We just know that this moment won't last forever." The man explained with a sad smile.

"That means we need to treasure this moment while we can. Always treasure the time you have with family and friends, you don't know what could happen the next day." The woman added, she smiled at her child.

"I'll always treasure my time with you, mama, papa!" The little girl exclaimed. Her mother pulled her into a hug, and her father soon joined the hug as well.

~Year X426~
~6 years later~

The woman kneeled on the ground, her now 10 year old daughter in her arms. She held her daughter protectively. The daughter cried into her mothers chest, terrified.

"Mom... What's wrong with dad?!" She asked, terrified. Her mothers grip tightened. Everything in the village was dying, the people, the plants, and animals. The young girl's father stood a few feet away, he had what looked like black energy around him, anything he touched died.

The woman and her husband knew this was going to happen one day, they knew that he would do this. The man is the embodiment of darkness, and the woman, is the embodiment of light. They knew that he would curse them both, even though the mother seemed to be blessed, she brought life to everything around her, but it made her immortal, and the father, brought death and destruction to everything around him, and he's also immortal. They just want a normal life with they're daughter though.

"D-Don't worry sweetie, I'll keep you safe." The mother told the girl as tears fell down her face. 'I have to do it, it's the only way.' The woman thought. She looked down at the terrified child. "I'm sorry." She whispered quietly. She placed her index and middle finger on the young girls head.

"M-Mom? What are you doing?!" She asked in confusion and panic.

"I'm sorry, but this is the only way to save the world. Just remember, your father and I will always love you." The woman told her, then muttered a few words under her breathe, the daughter wasn't sure what she said. A small yellow light appeared between the mothers finger and her daughters forehead.

"M-Mom?!" The girl said in panic. The woman looked down at her daughter with sad eyes. "You will understand in the future." She said quietly, tears falling from her eyes. The girls eyes slowly closed and she felt her consciousness slip away.

"I'm sorry, you will understand in the future, Lucy."

So I hope you enjoyed the prologue, chapter one should be up soon! See ya then!


Fairy Tail Fan Fic: Light And Dark Connect ~Nalu, Zervis~Where stories live. Discover now