Chapter 1 •San Diego•

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•Henry's POV•
"Piper" I whispered shaking her awake.
"Huh, what's happening?" Piper asked sitting up
"We gotta go meet Jasper and Charlotte. It's 11:30, put on black clothing and meet me downstairs in 15 minutes" I explained
"Ok, I'll get dressed" Piper said. I left her toiletries in there. I grabbed my wallet and but it in there also. I need to grab my moms credit card and cash from her purse.

I opened my parents bedroom and started crawling on the ground. I found my moms purse and grabbed her credit card and some cash. I crawled back out and grabbed my duffle bag.

I crept downstairs and sat on the couch and waited for Piper. Piper came down after 5 minutes.

"Did you grab everything you need?" I asked
"Yep" she said
"Ok let's go" I said
"Henry I'm scared" Piper said
"Piper you'll be fine. Jasper, Charlotte and I will be with you" I said
"Ok" she said. We ran out of the house and ran to swell view park. Charlotte and Jasper were there dressed in black.

"Hey guys, do you have everything?" I asked
"Yep, plus I brought a bucket with me" Jasper said holding up a blue bucket
"Really Jasper" Piper said rolling her eyes. Jasper glared at Piper and Piper went back to her phone.
"what's the plan Henry?" Charlotte asked
"Well I think Lily went to San Diego" I said. "So I think we should head that way, on foot" I suggested
"We're walking" Piper screamed
"Yes and stop screaming, we're going to start walking now" I said
"Ok" Piper said
"Everybody ready?" I asked
"Yeah" Everyone said. We started walking to San Diego. It's going to be a long walk.

•Lily's POV•
After breakfast I decided to go walk around San Diego. It was very pretty here. Palm trees everywhere. (A/N: I live in San Diego). I went back to the park to sit down on the bench again. While I was sitting on the bench I felt the presence of someone next to me. I looked over and saw a guy with brown hair and blue eyes.

"Um...hi?" I said as more of a question
"Hey pretty lady" the boy said. I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "Why are you sitting by yourself?" He asked
"Because I want to" I said
"Well my names Ryan" Ryan said
"Good for you, you can say your own name" I said clapping
"Sorry Ms. Sassy" Ryan said. "But honestly, what's your name?" He asked
"Lily, my name is Lily" I said
"That's a pretty name" Ryan said
"Thanks" I replied. "Well I have to go" I said
"Wait, can I get your number?" I asked
"Sure" I replied. I grabbed his hand and grabbed a pen from my bag. I wrote my number on his hand.
"Thanks" Ryan said
"Don't mention it" I said walking away. I think I'm finally getting over Henry.

I went to the public bathroom and the park and changed into blue jeans, a black crop top that says #netflix in white letters, and my white vans. I brushed my hair and put it in a high ponytail. Since I was dressed in all black before I had to change.

I walked out of the bathroom and froze on my tracks when I saw Henry, Charlotte, Jasper, and Piper walking my way. We didn't make eye contact. So my first instinct was to run. I ran and ran until I was behind a building. In an alley. I checked my phone to see if I had any texts.


I can't reply to her. She might track me down. I started walking again. I still have no idea where I'm going to go. I decided to call Ryan. I dialed his number and put the phone up to my ear. It rang 2 times and then he answered.

R: Hello
L: hey Ryan, it's Lily

•Henry's POV•
We finally made it to San Diego when I spotted a girl that looked like Lily. The girl ran so I never saw her face. I sighed and we all sat down on a park bench.

"Piper, has anyone posted anything?" I asked
"No not yet" Piper said shaking her head
"Well I'm hungry" Charlotte said.
"Me too" Jasper said
"Well there's a diner right across the street. Let's go eat" I suggested. They nodded there heads and we walked across the street to the diner. We sat down at the booth a picked up the menus. A waitress came by and smiled at us.

"What can I get you guys today?" She asked
"I'll have the grilled cheese and a lemonade" Piper said
"I'll have the ceased salad and a sprite" Charlotte said
"I'll have the hot dog with fries and a coke" Jasper said
"And I'll have the cheeseburger with fries and a root beer" I said
"Ok" the waitress said and left the table.
"So we leave here and look for Lily" I said
"Henry!" Piper screamed
"What" I said
"Look" she said showing me her phone. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a picture of Lily.

@ryan2626: saw this cutie at the park today😍 @LilyAdams123

"Oh my gosh, it's Lily" I said feeling my heart swell
"Piper, can you trace where that guy lives?" I asked
"Yep" Piper said clicking things on her phone
"We found Lily!" Charlotte exclaimed
"Yeah, all we need to do is find that dudes house. Then you and Lily can be together again" Jasper said
"It's not that easy Jasper" I said
"What do you mean?" Jasper asked
"She's not going to forgive me that easily. I slept with my ex girlfriend. I promised Lily that I wouldn't hurt her anymore, but that's exactly...exactly what I did" I said as tears filled my eyes
"It'll be ok Henry" Charlotte said smiling
"Thanks guys" I said laughing. Our food came and we ate it all up.

We left the diner and we continued our search for Lily.

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