questions pt 3

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(Jasons Pov)
The detective lady called me up for questioning. "Hello young man, the name is detective wilson. You are ms Jackson's boyfriend right?" The lady said. "Yeah, im her boyfriend Jason." I said. "So I was told, you used to be good friends with the suspects..... what happened that ended the friendship?" She said. "Well, this year, they always tried hitting on Audrey or bother her. They started hanging with this group that i guess hates Audrey, especially this one girl who was basically the "group leader" named Jessica. Anthony, Jared and I just weren't getting along anymore. They wanted Audrey and I had no idea why. We have fought before. I guess they are trying to ruin our relationship." I said. The detective nodded her head . " It seems like Audrey has been a target for a while. She didn't do anything wrong. I dont understand why they are on her so much. " detective said. "Exactly, when we were first dating, the boys were cool with it . now they're with Jessica and now they raped my girl. I feel like it was my fault though. I mean i kept telling Audrey not to go out, she didn't want to listen. Maybe if i tried harder, i don't even know man. On top of that i dont know how someone can fucking sleep at night knowing they raped someone. " i said. "I know I know, and I understand you tried to help, don't doubt yourself. Im gonna try to do the best I can to make this situation right, and find Audreys aunt and cousin. Imma take the boys in for questioning and you guys are gonna go home. " detective said. "Alright thank you, goodnight.". I left the room and told Auds, Bri, Chtis and Brandon that we were going back home. "Oh Ms Jackson, you are gonna have to come back tomorrow for test and a rape kit." Detective yelled. The ride back home was completely silent. I looked and Audreys eyes and all I saw was hurt and rage. I wanted to talk to her but I knew she wouldn't answer. Chris just looks heated, hell so am I. Bri....sigh. Bri looks just as senseless as Audrey looks. She was full of anger. It was about another 5 minutes of silence. "FUCKING BASTARDS! HOW DO YOU JUST......JUST TOUCH AND HURT SOMEBODY LIKE THAT. IF THEY DONT GO TO JAIL OR SOME KIND OF PUNISHMENT, WE ARE ALL FINNA GO TO JAIL." Brianna said. "I feel you babe. But lets not talk about this , i dont want her getting flashbacks. " chris whispered to bri. We finally made it home. As soon as we walked in, Audrey fell out and had a breakdown. She never spoke, she just cried. I cant imagine how shes feeling but I know shes torn. "I don't even know what to say . Babe, we are gonna make this right, they are gonna get what they deserve. Im pissed off too. I can't see you like this, we all cant see you like this. It's....heartbreaking. I promise to be more secure with you baby, im speechless man." After i said that, i started crying. We all hugged each other and cried. We prayed, and we went in our rooms. Later that night, Auds and I layed in bed. She was asleep. Then I heard her screaming. " AHH STOP GET OFF OF ME, STOP IT HURTS, PLEASE JUST LET ME GO, YOU'RE HURTING ME" i woke her up and gave her a big hugged while she cried. "i can't do this baby. its so vivid and realistic in my dreams. it's like its happening again. I just wanted sleep and now i can't get it because im traumatized. " she whispered and cried. I held on to her tightly and kissed her forehead, "i got you baby. I promise. Im so sorry." An hour later we finally drifted to sleep.

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