~ My Angel ~

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I can't, I can't breathe.
I'm crying so hard, I'm trying not to scream.

Sometimes, I wish this was all a dream.
Because you and I, we made a great team.

I miss you, so very much.
I miss your blue eyes, and your gentle touch.

When I felt down, you always gave me a nudge.
But now that you're gone, I won't budge.

I hate it, that you had to leave.
My hands are wet, from all the tears on my sleeve.

Happiness, I'm not sure I could achieve.
Before tonight, in angels, I didn't believe.

But now I realise, you are my Angel.
And for everything you've done, I'm grateful.

You left us, in the month of April.
I said I was fine, but it was nothing but painful.

Oh grandma, how I miss you lots.
Since that day, you never left my thoughts.

In my heart, there are knots.
I still suffer, from this tragic loss.

You had, the most beautiful soul.
Without you, I'll never be whole.

The loss of your life, has left me with a permanent bullethole.
I'll be forever stuck, in this funk hole.

But hey, times can get tough.
I just have to tell myself, I'll see you soon enough

Until then my Angel...

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