~ Her ~

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Her eyes, that I can see right through
"Im okay," a lie I can see through too
Her nose, so cute and small
I kiss it, she smiles and I fall
Her smile, is my reason to be
When she laughs, I wonder why she chose me
Her shoulders, so wide and proud
They hold up her head, it never lets down
Her chest, I could lay there all day
From her love, I will never stray
Her arms, I like to call them home
When she holds me, I never feel alone
Her stomach, that she hates so much
I love, and can't help but touch
Her waist, she's not too fond of it
But how sexy it is, she just doesn't get
Her thighs, I wish she could see
How beautiful, they truly are to me
Her feet, so ticklish and small
When she giggles, I can't help but fall
Her beauty, she's everything to me
How perfect she is, I wish I could make her see
Her presence, makes me feel complete
And for her love, I'll never have to compete
Her love is mine, forever and always
And mine is hers, through all the good and the bad days
Just her, my forever and always.

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