Chapter 1

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You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest in a childish pout, your head leaning back to hit the wall behind you. The man who you shared the cell with (and you had no idea why you'd been put in the same cell with him considering they knew full well you weren't a criminal) seemed completely unapologetic despite that it was his fault you were there in the first place. Indeed, he said nothing to you and hardly even spared you a glance.

Apparently, from what you heard the officers saying as they wandered around, they believed him to be the mastermind behind the dognapping of the dalmatian puppies. You were sharing a cell with someone who would happily skin a puppy. The thought made you feel ill. But he hadn't managed to hurt any of them, at least. That thought was what held you back from trying to wring his neck, though you suspected that would only be met with amusement on his part rather than anything else.

"You locked him in with a bloody criminal?!" You heard a familiar British voice yell from somewhere outside, and your eyes widened. You turned to the man immediately and your sudden movements caught his attention. He eyed you suspiciously before turning away.

"Please, you've gotta hide me." You told him anxiously, eyes darting repeatedly towards the bars of the cell, expecting the man to appear there at any moment. Behind this man seemed to be the only place you would be able to escape his emerald gaze. But the criminal looked at you skeptically before averting his eyes once more. "Oh, come on, it's your fault I'm here in the first place! I could be wrapped up in a nice warm bed right now, but you decided you wanted to keep me from getting home!"

"Psh." It was the first sound you had heard from the man as he turned away from you in a clear dismissal. You guessed it was stupid of you to assume a criminal would help you out in any way. If he were that way inclined he wouldn't be in here in the first place.

You let out a small huff and turned instead to face the bars, an innocent, 'I-didn't-mean-it-so-please-don't-kill-me' smile on your face as the blonde man whose appearance you had been dreading stormed into view in front of the holding cell, green eyes fixing on you immediately as he glared.

"Er, hi, Iggy." You greeted anxiously with a small wave. He twitched angrily at the nickname. "Fancy seeing you here." Idiot, _____, you thought to yourself, he works here. The officer raised one bushy brow, looking to you expectantly, and you sighed, your whole body seeming to deflate as your arms hung limply by your sides, looking at him sadly in the hopes he might take pity on you. "I'm sorry I snuck out again."

"I phoned your foster mother. She says she's on her way here to pick you up now." The blonde told you. It wasn't the first time you'd been dragged into the station (though usually you didn't have guns pointed at you so it tended to be kicking and screaming) and Arthur seemed to be the one who always ended up being there to make sure you got home all right. You didn't respond to him, bowing your head sadly, and he sighed. "I have to go out right now, Alfred's here if you need anything." He glanced at his partner a little way away with distaste before turning back to you. "Just get him to call me, I'll help you out with whatever it is you need."

You gave him a half-hearted wave as he turned to go, leaving you alone with a criminal ... and Alfred. As if just one wasn't bad enough. Still...

You approached the bars and wrapped your small hands around them, offering the man behind you a smirk before pressing your forehead against them and clearing your throat in preparation to speak Alfred-level language, making your expression as pitiful as possible.

"Uncle Al..." You moaned, your voice as high and childlike as you could manage. You could feel the dognapper's glare boring holes in the back of your head but you ignored it as the American transfer appeared in front of you, sucking on the straw to a milkshake as he looked down at you cheerfully. You reached through the bars and made a grabbing motion with your fist. "Hungwy."

Male!Cruella De Vil X Male!Child!Reader ~ RunningWhere stories live. Discover now