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They were only grubs at first, but ever since gamzee was born, kurloz has been very attached to him and protecting him because there father never had the time to spend time with them besides make breakfast lunch and dinner...kurloz didn't never wanted to leave gamzee by himself because he knew that gamzee will go crazy and do unexpected things, they always got play dates with the vantas', captor's, ampora's and the nitrams. Gamzee became best friends with Tavros and tried to be best friends with karkat but karkat just hissed at him, kurloz got angry with karkat a lot for hissing at his younger brother. A few years went by and gamzee was six years old and still playing with Tavros, but gamzee really hated it when kurloz was being so clingy to him, gamzee kept pushing him off and pulling a angry face at him

"Kurloz stop bro, I'm chilling with my motherfucker today"

Kurloz looked at him in a sad way and nodded at gamzee while he got up and walked to his room sitting lonely because rufioh didn't feel like coming over. Kurloz started playing with his stitches since there was nothing better to do, he then thought to himself 'maybe of I got a friend too everyone will be happy!' He got up and walked out of the house telling gamzee he was going out

It's been a couple week and kurloz had no luck trying to find someone that wanted to be best friends with, he came home every night with a sad look on his face.

"What's wrong bro?"

Kurloz looked at gamzee and shook his head like nothing had happened, gamzee followed kurloz to his room but he slammed the door in gamzee's face, kurloz sighed and laid on his bed looking up at the cracks in the ceiling and remembered asking for friends

"Oh sorry kurloz but rufioh is feeling sick today"

"Mituna is out practicing on the skateboard with latula"

"Kankri has got a huge assignment, sorry kurloz"

Kurloz thought it was a little weird hanging out with girls but he hasn't really tried it...the next day he went straight to meulin and nepeta's house

"Oh hiya kurloz!"

It was meulin, she stood there with a big grin on her face and it was strange because she read his thoughts

"Wanna hang out I'm not doing much today?"

Kurloz eyes widen and he smiled and nodded

"Great come on then!"

She grabbed his hand and walked to the park, when they got the park she asked him to push her on the swings, so he did, this was a great day for kurloz. After the day went by they walked home together, they stopped at meulin's first.

"Thanks for a great day kurloz!"

Out of nowhere she quickly gave him a soft peck on the cheek and smiled while walking inside and shutting the door, kurloz blushed a deep purple and smiled while walking home in a cheerful mood. He greeted his dad and gamzee and walked to his room, he laid on his bed and sighed deeply, he got a strange feeling in the chest and stomach...he thought he was hungry but his stomach wasn't rumbling and that feeling came every time he thought of meulin, he sat up in shock and realised he was falling in love with her

Kurloz x meulin (kurlin fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now