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It was weeks later, kurloz and meulin never taled about what happened that night, they would just stare at the bed then go to sleep,


Meulin felt a little strange for the past few weeks, she felt fatter, her breasts were hurting and she was craving strange meals, she went to the bathroom and stayed there for a bit.

"Oh god...."

Meulin wanted to keep this secret away from kurloz until she was ready to tell him, everyone they were together, she kept quit. Kurloz started to notice the things that was happening to her but he wasn't sure if he should say anything and he had no idea of it either, there were times where meulin wanted to say the secret but she couldn't because something was holding her back.

"Kurloz....we need to talk...."

Kurloz looked at her and they stared into each other's eyes in complete silent,

"Kurloz your probably wondering why these strange things have been happening, well I'm going to tell you now....I'm.............."

She got very nervous telling him but she had too because now is the time, kurloz smiled and raised an eyebrow and held her hand

"I'm pregnant!"

Kurloz' eyes widen but he was in a slight happy shock, it all made sense for him now. Kurloz smiled and looked at her stomach, this is every guy's biggest news but this was the best thing that happened in kurloz's life, he hugged meulin the kissed her, he was so fucking happy he wanted to tell everyone but he knows to keep it silent.

Kurloz x meulin (kurlin fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now