Raising alone

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The baby was a couple weeks old and kurloz still hasn't thought of a name for him, kurloz thought over and over until a name popped in his head and he taught his baby the name in sign language, the little boys name was kurlin (meulin and kurloz's shipped name XD) As kurlin got older, kurloz started to teach him sign language but kurlin could still talk, it was really hard raising this kid by himself, with school and feeding especially, kurlin always asks

"Hey daddy? Where mummy?"

This made kurloz extremely upset and he said to kurlin in sign language

'She will return home shortly'

Kurlin smiled and went to go play in his room, kurloz went to his room and sat on the ground beside the bed and cries, kurlin walked in quietly and looked at his father


Kurloz looked at kurlin and looked away quickly while wiping his tears away, kurlin came over and hugged his father's knee considering that kurlin was still a grub baby, kurloz picked him up and hugged him and kurlin his his little face in kurloz's neck

"Don't worry kurlin, daddy just misses mummy"

Kurloz said in sign language and Kurlin looked at kurloz

"Don't worry daddy! Mummy will be home soon!"

Kurlin smiled cutely and kurloz sighed while nodding

"Look at the beautiful boy we created meulin, he's growing up fast and he's very smart, he's got your cute cat-like personality and my looks...that's everything we wanted in our child, he asks about you everyday, he asks when your coming home....I always say soon but I will tell him the truth meulin maybe when he's a little older, I gave him a name you might like his name is kurlin, it's our name put into one....I'm going to make me meet my family and your family one day and I hope he gets along well with gamzee and nepeta they will adore him.....I love you nepeta and I'll never forget you and neither will kurlin......"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2015 ⏰

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