Chapter 1

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I'm a high school girl with brown hair, hazel eyes, geek glasses. I work every day of the week and busy myself with extra classes and extra credit homework. I'm not the athletic  type, at all. Last time I played a sport, I ended up with a cast and neck brace. Like really, what kind of invention is a soccer ball? It's just a road block for accident prone people like me. Now my boyfriend on the other hand is a strong muscular basketball player. He's super tall and has golden hair and eyes that shine like the stars in the sky. It's a wonder I ended up with him when he could have his pick of any girl in the school, or really, anywhere. I'm just an average girl, with a pinch of nerd in the mix. And like most high school kids, I have my fair share of enemies. Like Emily, Elly, and Gabriela. But I call them the Barbies. These girls are like killer sharks, disguised like a group of dolls. Emily is like the leader of them all. She lets Elly and Gabby do all her dirty work. Emily has blonde hair, sky blue eyes, a perfect body, and smarts. The definition of a cute, popular,smart girl. Elly, on the other hand, is not smart. In math class she thinks when the Mrs.Gohn asks her about pi, the teacher wants to know the best place to get pastries. That's Elly in a nutshell. Last of all, Gabriela Esponda has tan skin and dark wavy hair. She is literally the most beautiful girl in the entire school. Right now she is dating a freshman and 2 seniors. Bad reputation, but all the guys still fall for her. With the Barbies now defined, I would just like to say I am their main target.
It began one day in September. I remember walking to school with the chilly autumn air blowing my face and fallen leaves crunching under my boots. I felt warm air on my neck and turned around to the lips of my beautiful boyfriend (this is when me and Elliot just began to date). "Hey," he said. "Hi," I repeated breathing out warm air making steam. "What's up?" He smiled. "Nothing." We walked to class hand in hand, not saying a word out loud, but thoughts were formulating in my head. I was still new to this dating thing. What would happen if we for in a fight? How do I start a deep conversation? Stuff like that. After home room we parted our separate ways. I turned around to watch him walk down the hall until he turned left at the cafeteria. Man was I lucky to have him. I turned around to see the Barbies. Emily smirked. "What's up shortie? Why aren't you with your boyfriend?"
"Shut up Emily."
"We need to talk, Maia. You know that Elliot used to be my boyfriend right? Then you moved here. I don't know what he saw in you but whatever. Point is Preppy, I want him back." Since I moved from Nestfar Private, everyone's been calling me Preppy and Private Chick, stupid things like that.
"Yeah Emily," I began, "He moved on. Get a life." Her eyes widened as she was taken aback. Then they narrowed. "Look Maia, I'm getting him back and there's nothing you could ever do to stop me."
"Ok fine. Try," I challenged, felling a surge of confidence in Elliot. Could he resist Emily? Would he dump my for her? Well I was going to find out. Soon.

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