Chapter 2

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"Mom! I'm fine! I love school. Why would I go on a trip to visit my cousins who won't do anything other than ignore me?"
"They don't ignore you sweetie. They love you!"
"Says the person who yelled at them for taping their brother to a table and tried to saw him in half."
She rolled her eyes. Don't get me wrong. I'm not a hater of mankind, my cousins are just the most annoying, bratty people on the face of this earth. This lady who I knew and loved, is about to send me on a guilt trip that I will remember for my whole life. Time to change the subject. "Hey mom, did you see that shirt at the mall? I would love to get it. Like, would you maybe buy it for me?"
My mom smiled. Oh no. "hey honey, that was a really cool shirt." She smiled. "I'll get it for you if you go on a trip to see your cousins..." She was bargaining with me. I could take this. "I'll go see me cousins. IF you get me the shirt with the crosses in the back, and the pants with the ripped holes in them, and the shoes that give me an inch in the heel and if you let me dye my hair. Permanently." I smiled. Heh heh. There was no way she would let me get all that stuff just to go on a trip to see my cousins. My mom, straight faced, said what I was hoping never to hear. "Fine. But then you're going to stay with those cousins of yours one whole month. Got it?"
So that's how I ended up in the passenger seat of our minivan, pulling out of the driveway. Arms crossed, lips pulled into a frown, 40 pairs of pants, 90 shirts, 20 earrings, and 4 hair brushes later, I was ready.
In 8 hours, we arrived at the house of my cousins. The old medieval house had a big sprawling lawn and two ancient gargoyles guarding the entryway. I hauled my two suitcases to the gigantic door and kicked it with my leg. I heard screaming and yelling the Jack, the youngest of the four opened the door. "Hi!" He said. Jack was the only one who even remotely acknowledged my presence, but even so, a four year old isn't that communicative. I smiled at him (I'm not very good with kids) and walked past him and let myself into the bedroom I've stayed in previous visits. I unpacked just before Sam, the oldest one barged in. He was tall and skinny(like a green bean) with the palest skin I've ever seen. Ever paler then Edward from Twilight. His bad acne made his face stand out even more than it already did. His eyes weren't in slits and ovals like most people, no, they were round like bouncy balls. They never blinked. Ever. You could practically count the veins in his neck. And his ears were the strangest. One ear was like a goblins, pointy and long, whilst the other was round, pudgy and short. Weirdest looking 21 year old if I've ever seen one. He grunted then walked around. He grabbed something out of the closet really quick and slammed the door. "Hey!" I yelled. What's the big idea? He probably just left something in here, I thought. Maybe a note or game or something. I flopped onto my bed and thought about all this. Wow. My life is really screwed up. I reached for my phone and realized I had a text. The Name said Unknown Number, Unknown Number, Unknown Number over and over. I clicked on it and the message flashed twice and revealed its text, barely readable, the writing was so faint. I squinted until I made out the three words of mystery. You have arrived.

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