Chapter 12: proposal

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   Morning light filters through the open window of Atem's bedroom. The royal suite filling with its golden beams. Atem murmurs in his sleep beside me. His arms wrapping possessively around my small frame. I sigh as I am pulled up against his bare chest, his breath blasting my face with its heat.
   "Atem." I say, lightly poking him in the ribs. "You need to wake up now."
   "Ra isn't in the sky yet mama..." he murmurs. I can't help but smile at his words. It would seem that his mother had a similar predicament once before. "Few more hours."
   "How do you know if he is in the sky or not?" I challenge playfully. "Your eyes are still closed."
   "I want to sleep." he whines before burying his face into my neck. I sigh in defeat as he holds me tighter to his form.
   "You know, throwing the blankets off usually helps." A joking voice suggests from the doorway. I glance at the source of the voice to find the royal priest standing in the doorway with a small smile.
   "I would if I could." I say sullenly. "But in case you haven't noticed I am kind of trapped here."
   "Oh i've noticed." he muses as he walks into the room. His long fingers digging deep into the blankets before yanking them off of the bed.
   "Wake up Atem!"
   Atem's legs curl up in protest as he wraps his entire body around my form. His head digging even deeper into the side of my neck, attempting to shield his eyes from the morning light. The priest growls in annoyance before picking up a golden goblet from the doorway. I stare up at him in shock as he begins to tilt it over our heads. The sweet scent of wine drafting down towards my nose as the red liquid sloshes within the confines of the cup.
   I look up at him pleadingly, but he firmly ignores me and pours the wine. The scarlet stream seems to flow in slow motion as it draws ever closer to Atem's skin. I flinch when the cold liquid splashes on his face and then rebounding onto mine.
   Atem's eyes open into fiery, angry slits of pure malice. His eyes stare into mine briefly before flicking over to the holder of the cup. A deep growl resonates in his throat as he untangles himself from me and rises to a sitting position crimson droplets dripping from his chin. The anger never wavering in his expression.
   "Good morning my pharoah."
   "I cannot say the same to you Seth." he hisses in annoyance.
   "It is about time that you woke up." The priest says with an ever glowing smile. "Your little friend there had been trying to wake you up for quite some time."
   "That is irrelevant." He hisses in annoyance. "I should have you punished for humiliating me."
   "I'm trembling at the prospect." He says coolly, placing the now empty goblet on a nearby table. "You forget that I am also one of the people who you were raised with. Your half hearted threats don't intimidate me."
   "Who says they're half hearted?" Atem growls menacingly. I place a gentle hand on Atem's arm. His skin is sticky with the remaining traces of the wine. Crimson eyes flash in my direction meeting my eyes for a brief second. His shoulders go slack and his eyes soften.
   "Now then, there is a matter that I wish to discuss with you." Seth says with a cough, his startling blue eyes freezing me with their gaze. Atem meets his gaze silently, a serious expression etched across his face. "There has been a disturbance amongst the guards."
Atem's eyes narrow dangerously.
   "What kind of disturbance?"
   "They claim to see a man that rather resembles Malik roaming the palace grounds at night." Atem flinches at the words. His fingers digging harshly into my skin, I struggle to retain my painful intake of breath. "It is rather peculiar though." He muses seriously. "Whenever they attempt to confront him he vanishes like a puff of smoke. As if he was never there to begin with."
   Atem remains silent as his hand trembles. His fear is tangible as it consumes his heart.
   "My pharaoh, are you alright?" Seth asks concernedly.
   "Yes." Atem hisses through clenched teeth.
   "You appear to be anxious my lord." He says gently. "Would you care to relieve yourself of your burdens with me?"
   "There is nothing to tell." Atem says curtly.
   "Understood." Seth says flatly.
   "Where on the grounds have they seen him?" Atem whispers. Seth blinks in confusion before regaining his composure.
   "He has been circling the garden, but he was seen last night around the main gate."
   "I see." Atem's grip on me goes slack as he meets the gaze of his priest. "Thank you for telling me." Seth blinks in absolute shock before quickly bowing to the boy king.
   "It was my pleasure, my pharaoh."
   "You may leave." Seth turns on his heel hesitantly and leaves with a few backwards glances, but not saying a single word.

   "What do you suggest I do Yugi?" He says after a tense moment of silence. "It's obvious that he is circling like a vulture."
   "What do you think is right?"
   "I know that I have to die." He says submissively. "Though do I have to sit here and take it?"
   "I would think not."
   "Would you be disappointed in me by knowing that I am afraid?"
   "Not at all." I say with shocked eyes. "You have every right to feel afraid. It makes you human." Atem grips my hand in his own, slim fingers intertwining.
   "I wish that it would just be over with."
   I snuggle into his side and listen to the sound of his steady breath. The rise and fall of his chest reminding me that he is still here before me. My beloved pharaoh.
   "I wish that I could take your place." I whisper quietly.
   "Don't even think about it." He says menacingly. "I will never forgive you if you do that."
   I can't help but chuckle as his hand runs through my hair soothingly. It would seem that he is trying to soothe himself. I remain silent as he continues to run his fingers through my hair. His heart beat begins to quiet down to a dull roar in his chest.
   "I love you." I murmur absently. Atem's fingers still for a moment before returning to their busy work.
   "Yugi, there is something that I would like to ask of you."
   "What is it?"
   "Will you do a bonding ritual with me?" He asks with a faint tinge of pink on his cheeks. I stare at him curiously. He stammers hurriedly, "It is a small ceremony that only would be attended by my priest, you and myself...that is if you agree. I could make it larger if you want." I hold up a hand silencing him.
   "I've never heard of this ritual." I say bluntly. "What makes it so special?"
   "Well it is a rather intimate ritual little one." He says gently. "It is a ritual that binds two souls together for eternity. No matter how far away one is the other will always be able to feel their presence, and etc."
   "What do I have to do?"
   "Well we both will have to make an oath and I believe a small sacrifice of blood." He says uncertainly. "I never had the opportunity to supervise one." He admits sheepishly. I look up at him. His face is serious but his eyes are vulnerable as he refuses to meet my gaze. I can't help but smile at him.
   "It'll make you happy, so I agree."
  "You do?!" Atem says with a shocked expression.
   "Yes." I say cheerfully.
   "Thank you little one." He murmurs happily, a broad smile plastered on his lips.
   "Thank you Atem." I murmur. "Thank you for being so wonderful."

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