Chapter 16: friendly competition

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   Silken sheets drape over my slim form as I sigh in contentment. Atem smiles happily at me as he flops down beside me beneath the sheets. His muscular arms wrapping themselves around me, pulling me close. The heady scent of Atem filling my nose as I snuggle into his chest.
   "My little one." He murmurs as he showers my face in kisses. "Only mine." I can't help but giggle as he kisses my nose. I never knew that Atem could be so sentimental.
   "Careful," I murmur playfully. "One might think that you have grown soft."
   "Only for you." He sighs. "To everyone else I am the same pharaoh as usual."
   "Is that what you want?" Atem looks down at me curiously. "Do you want to be remembered as a cruel pharaoh?"
   "No." He says firmly, placing a kiss on my forehead. "That wasn't what I meant little one."
   "Then what did you mean?"
   "That no one will see this side of is reserved only for my little one." A bright blush glows on my face at his words.
    "I-I see." I stammer.
    "Do you?" He teases, grazing his teeth across my earlobe. "I don't believe you."
    "Atem." I say warningly, struggling to keep my voice from wavering. "Stop it."
    "Why?" He challenges with a smirk. "I can feel your pleasure through the link."
    "A-Atem!" I gasp in embarrassment. My hands shove myself out of his arms and roll to the opposite side of the bed away from him. The tingling sensation of his confusion permeates through my head as he stares at me. His fingers graze over the bare skin of my spine. I shiver at the touch and I can feel him slowly inching towards me.
   "I didn't mean to upset you." He whispers, fingers dancing up and down my spine.
   "I know." I whisper softly.
   "Can you forgive me?" He asks, wrapping his arm around my form. The warmth of his breath heating my chilled skin.
   "Yes." I say softly.
   "But not right now." I say rolling out of his grip. My feet make contact with the cool floor as the soft sheets slide off of me. I glance back at the shocked and confused face of my love.
   "You...what did....what just happened here?" He murmurs confusedly.
   "You have to earn forgiveness." I say playfully as I pull on Atem's robe over my shoulders. His eyes narrow dangerously.
   "And what do I have to do to 'earn' your forgiveness Yugi?" He asks cautiously.
   "You tell me." I challenge. A slight smirk tugging at the corners of my lips. Atem peers up at me curiously, but a twinkle of amusement shines in his eyes. The static sensation of his excitement buzzes through my veins as he stares at me silently.
   "Is that a challenge?" He asks with a smirk.
   "Do you see it as one?"
   "Then it's a challenge." I say with an unabashed smirk on my face. "Best of luck to you my pharaoh." I say as I head towards the door.
   "You are the one who will need the luck." Atem whispers confidently.
   "Don't be so certain." I say, pausing in the doorway. "It would be foolish to underestimate me." Atem looks at me with a stunned expression only fueling the arrogant attitude that I have wrapped myself in. I smile as I walk through the door leaving Atem to his thoughts. The lingering sensation of his heightened excitement still buzzing under my skin.

   Several hours have passed since I have last seen Atem. It would seem that he has disappeared from the palace entirely. Confusion courses through me as I peer into the throne room only to find it vacant. This is impossible. Atem is always here no matter what he is always resting on his throne, yet here it is vacant and unattended. Where could my pharaoh have gone?
   I step away from the doorway and walk alone down the abandoned halls. As a matter of fact it's been hours since I have even seen a single servant. If I didn't know any better I would believe myself to be completely alone in the palace. My footsteps echo down the empty hallway, my only companion in these silent corridors. My mindless wandering leads me to Seth's quarters, but just like everywhere else ,it is completely devoid of life.
   "What is going on?" I murmur as I close the door to Seth's quarters.
   "Confused?" A soft voice inquires. I jump at the sound of the voice and whirl around to the source of the sound. A small boy holding a platter looks up at me curiously. His innocent face striking a chord in my memory.
   "You're the boy from before," I say softly. The boy smiles up at me. "You were the one who brought me my breakfast one day."
   "You're right." He says with a light laugh.
   "What are you doing down here little one?" I ask, kneeling down to his level.
   "Looking for you."
   "For me?"
   The boy holds out his tray for me. Resting on the tray is a chalice of wine and an assortment of foods. I look back at the boy confusedly.
   "The pharaoh wanted me to give you some food." He says with a smile. "He was worried that you wouldn't eat."
   "I see." I murmur absently as I pluck a grape off of the vine and pop it into my mouth. "Was there anything else that he wanted you to do?"
   "Ummm..." The boy hesitates. "He wants you to be safe." Well that's rather foreboding.
   "May I speak with him?"
   "Yes." The boy says brightly.
   "Will you lead me to him? I can't seem to find anyone, except for you."
   "Oh," the boy says with a frown. "I can't lead you there."
   "Why not?" I ask with a surprised tone.
   "Pharaoh said distinctly that if you wished to speak to him you would have to find him on your I can't help you." I frown at his words. Just what kind of game is Atem playing? "He said that you two are playing a game."
   "Did he ever say how one would win this game?"
   "No, sorry lord Yugi."
   "Just call me Yugi, little one." I murmur as I ruffle his hair gently. I take the tray from his hands. He looks up at me with a confused expression. "You may return to your mother now, don't worry yourself about your duties for the day." The boy smiles brightly before bowing quickly and disappearing down the hall. I chuckle as I watch his fleeting form race down the hall. The tray clatters as I set it on the ground beside me.
   We're playing a game are we? I smile at the thought as I pop another grape into my mouth. Hopefully Atem is prepared to lose, because I am determined to win.

   The muffled sounds of voices echo through these halls as I pass silently like a spirit.
   "Pharaoh seems to be in a good mood today." A woman says with an amused tone.
   "Ofcourse," another woman replies. "He is playing a 'game' with his love. Let's see just how long his patience will last." She says with a light laugh.
   "I give him till midday." The two women laugh. "But what exactly is the prize for this game?" I pause in the shadows before the doorway, concealing my presence from the pair.
   "I'm not certain." The other says sheepishly. "Do you know seth?"
   "If I know Atem well enough it will probably be something along the lines of the victor will get one of his wishes granted." Seth says with a bored tone. "This is rather childish if you ask me."
   "That's only because you don't have a love." The woman says with a wounded tone. "And it's not boring it's romantic!"
   "You sound envious." Seth sneers. The woman cries out in outrage. The pair of them continue to argue like an elderly married couple as I silently sneak past the lit doorway. My hands and knees lightly scraping against the stone floor.
   One of my wishes granted? Can Atem really do that? I know realistically that it won't be anything overly drastic like sending me home, but my heart still flutters at the thought. If Atem wants to play a game, fine, but I refuse to lose.

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