Chapter Four

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Yawning, I put my head down on my desk, tired from watching and playing video games most of the night. "Hana, give me your phone." I hand it to Jungkook and after a couple of minutes, he hands it back. "Call me if something like that happens again. I also put the number of the others in there." "Mhm." I agree and I see Min Ah's reflection on the window. She was coming over to me. "Hana, your dad told me that he told you to sleep somewhere else last night. Why didn't you come to me if he didn't want you in the house?" I don't feel like answering, so I keep my eyes closed. "Ya, Hana." Min Ah shakes me and I groan, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "I spent the night at an arcade and bought these clothes at some street store. I didn't feel like bothering you." Min Ah looks like she wants to ask something, but she shrugs and goes back to her seat and her new friends. "Close friend?" Jungkook asks. "We've lived next door to each other for a long time, although I'm pretty sure we're gonna be far apart by the end of this school year." I resign myself to being in school and put my head back down.
On the bus ride home, I sit in the front so I can get off as soon as it got to my stop, I had to ask dad about the vision that I've been getting. I start running as soon as I'm off and the window at the back of the bus opens and the boys yell goodbye. I wave blindly behind me and keep running, leaving Min Ah behind. Getting home, I call for dad but am met with silence. "Dad, where are you?" Maybe he was out grocery shopping. Walking around, I check the second floor and then the first floor before going to the basement. Turning on the light, I'm met with the looks of four demons and my father lying on the ground in a pool of blood. "Appa!" I scream as I unsheathe my scythe. "Don't you dare touch me!" I scream as the demons lunge at me. In a minute, I'm running upstairs, not wanting to contaminate the scene in the basement. The demons follow me and as soon as we're in the living room, I attack. I attack like a wild animal, my instincts taking over. As soon as the dust settles, I vacuum it and toss it in the trash. Grabbing the landline, I call the police and they show up after ten minutes.
I was numb. I couldn't respond, I couldn't think. My father had died, even if he wasn't my father by blood, he was my father by love. "Miss Jang Hana-ssi, your foster parents have come to bring you home." I look up at the kind female police officer and she tries to smile. "Please follow me." I silently get up and follow her into an office, my eyes on the floor. "Hana." That voice. I knew that voice. My head snaps up and I look at Miss Choi and her husband. She smiles but I can see tears starting to form in her eyes. "Come here, give me a hug." I lurch forward and tears start to stream down my face as I hug her. The tears that hadn't appeared no matter what in the last twenty-four hours. The tears that I needed to let go of so much. "Cry it out, cry as much as you want to." Miss Choi comforts me, stroking my hair as I break down. After a few minutes, my shoulder starts to feel wet and I pull back, seeing Miss Choi crying. "Why are you crying? I should be the only one crying." I wipe at my tears and she gives a little hiccup laugh. "For some reason seeing you in pain made me in pain. Come, let's go home." I take her hand and we follow Chief Choi out to the car.
"What time is it?" I ask, not having kept track of time while I was in the police station. "Noon, most of everyone is out of the house." Chief Choi says, parking the car in the front of the entrance. "Are those two suitcases all you have? Anything you left at your house?" He asks me as I take them out of the trunk. "Yeah, these are all. Everything else isn't really mine." He nods and Miss Choi looks at me. "For now on, you have to call me eomma and this grumpy man appa, hm?" I hesitate before nodding. "Yes eomma." She smiles and I follow her into the mansion, seeing appa go somewhere else. "You'll have Hana's room permanently. I figured it's better to use the room than to keep it empty for so long." I smile and start to unpack my things. "I'll leave you here for a while and then I'll give you a tour of the mansion." I wave and eomma leaves, shutting the door behind her. As soon as the door closes, I collapse on the floor, the pain in my heart that I'd had at the police station returning. The emptiness was eating me whole, I couldn't do anything to stop it. It seemed to get darker in my room as the emptiness consumed me, suffocating me. Gasping for air, I crawl to the window and pull the curtain aside to let the light shine in. It still wasn't enough. Opening the window, I start to be able to breathe as the fresh air infiltrates the room. The pain was starting to go away and my room wasn't dark any more. Getting to my feet, I start to put away the rest of my clothes and jump as there's a knock on my door. "May I come in?" Eomma asks and I open the door for her. "I'm done, give me a second." I take the two suitcases and put them under my bed, one of them was full of dad's things that I wanted to go through later. "Okay, let's go." I smile and take eomma's outstretched hand. "I heard about Jisoo attacking you, would you like me to get a lock for your door?" I nod quickly, not wanting to experience what I had again. "Alright, I'll look into it. Now, let's start our tour, shall we?"
Two hours later, I'm sitting on the patio with eomma, drinking coffee. She'd offered me lemonade, but I couldn't seem to stay awake, so I'd opted for coffee. The mansion was huge, so it was a lot to memorize, but it wasn't so hard as soon as you got the hang of it. "I'm amazed at how many things there are here. There's a pool and even this amazing garden." I wave around us. The patio we sat on was in the middle of a forest like garden where many exotic things grew. "I needed a hobby to keep my mind off of troubles, so I decided to take up gardening. It's a little extreme, hm?" I shrug. "I need something to keep my mind off of things, so I skateboard or exercise. It's not very different." "Oh, the boys should be coming home soon. Do you want to do something to surprise them?" I look over at eomma and there's a sort of mischievous look in her eyes. "Sure, what are we going to do?"
Biting my lip, I try to keep myself for getting too excited as I see the boys walking up the sidewalk to the entrance. As soon as they're at the spot that eomma told me, I flip the switch and the sprinklers come on. The boys immediately start running for the house and we jump out with hoses and soak them, laughing. The shock is plain on their faces before they start laughing. "If we're going to play dirty, then lets." Yugyeom and BamBam grab me and I'm picked up. "Wait, where are we going?!" I panic as they carry me into the house, the others following. As soon as I see the pool I shriek. "Don't you fucking dare-"But I can't finish as they dump me in. Swimming to the surface, I quickly grab onto the side of the pool as they all cannonball in. "What's wrong, not gonna swim?" Jungkook asks and I think for a second before launching myself at Yugyeom, putting him in a headlock and pulling him under the water. After a while, I'm exhausted and I lift myself out of the pool and onto the side, keeping my feet in the water. "Done already?" Maru asks, swimming over to me. "I'm tired, I have less energy than you guys do." "Why didn't you come to school today and yesterday?" I look down at him and feel the darkness starting to suffocate me again. "It's nothing, I just couldn't." I quickly get up and leave, hurrying to my room. I don't have time to close the door all the way as I fall to the floor, darkness surrounding me again. Crawling to the bathroom, I turn on the shower, getting in, my cold soaked clothes still on. Sitting on the shower floor, I hold my head in my hands. "Breathe, breathe. It's just shock. Think of good things, think of dad, no, don't think of him. Don't." My trembling hands try to pull off my clothes and suddenly I hear Maru say "Hana." Looking up, I see him standing outside the shower. Eyes widening, I quickly try to get up and he pulls open the shower door, grabbing my arm as I almost slip. "What's wrong? Why are you like this? Why did you put the shower on cold water? You're going to get a cold!" He quickly turns the hot water on and I realize that I had started to shake. "Can you wash by yourself?" I slowly nod. "I'm going to sit outside the door. If I hear anything, I'm going to come back in here." He warns and I nod again. He shuts the door behind him and I shed my clothes, washing up. I hadn't realized that I'd started to cry in the shower until I'd turned it off. Stopping myself, I quickly grab and towel and dry myself off. Wrapping it around myself, I open the door and walk past Maru, grabbing some clothes and going back into the bathroom. Pulling them on, I shuffle out to face Maru. His face was bright red, but he walks me to my bed. "What's wrong? Tell me. You didn't think that I'd leave you alone after you looked like you'd seen a ghost when I asked you what was wrong, did you?" I don't look at him, realizing how revealing the clothes I was wearing were. Climbing underneath blankets, I still don't look at Maru and he sighs. "I'm not leaving until you tell me." Turning over, I face away from him and he grabs my shoulders, forcing me to lay on my back. I look up at him as he looks down at me. "Tell me or I'm going to force it out of you." The tears appear and I feel them run down to my hairline. Maru's face changes and he immediately lets go of me. "Shit, I'm sorry." Pushing my palms into my closed eyes, I chuckle.
"It wasn't you. It's just I haven't gotten much control of my emotions. I wasn't at school yesterday because I was at the police station. My father was found dead in the basement of our house. I found him there when I got home from school a couple of days ago. I've been interrogated numerous times and didn't really have time to cry, so now it's all spilling out in a whole day. I'm sorry if I worried you." Maru stares down at me before leaning down and hugging me, even if he smelled like chlorine. "Now I'm even more worried. It's the worst thing, losing someone. You don't think anyone in the whole world will understand how you feel. I know that feeling, it's okay." "You know that if you keep hugging me, I'm going to have to change into new clothes because of all the pool water that's dripping off you, right?" He quickly sits back and I sit up, looking down at my now soaked shirt. "Go take a shower, go." I push him into the bathroom and change my shirt while he's washing. "Hana, can you go to my room and grab some clothes? It's either that or I walk to my room with just a towel around my waist." Maru calls and I snicker. "Yeah, gimme a minute." I hurry to his room and go to his closet. Grabbing a pair of boxers, I can't help but laugh as I grab a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and go back to my room. "Here," I knock on the door and he opens it a crack, taking the clothes from me. "Don't yell at me, you told me to get you clothes, so I got you clothes. No complaining." I hold back my giggling and jump back onto my bed, grabbing my phone from the side table. Going through my pictures, I freeze when I feel something cold and wet drip on my exposed lower back. Slowly looking back, I see Maru's wet hair just over my skin. "No, don't go any further, that's cold." I gasp and he grins, arms on each side of me, letting his hair touch my back. "Ahh, it's cold." I quickly turn over, trying to escape from the cold wet torture. "Ya, that's not fair, I'm trapped." I complain and quickly scoot out from his arm cage and pull the blankets over me. "Okay, I'm going back to my room, come see me when you're done being afraid." His weight on my bed disappears and I hear him walk out, the door closing behind him. Sighing, I push the blankets back and come face to face with him. "Ahh," I pull the blanket back up and hear Maru laugh, sitting back on the bed. "It's fun teasing you. Your reactions are priceless." "Because I don't like the cold, okay?" I push the blankets back and sit up, shoving my hair out of my face. Maru's eyes go to the alarm clock on the side table and a string of curse words leaves his mouth. "I have to get to an heirs meeting. Shit. I'll see you later, okay?" I wave as he jumps to his feet and bolts out the door. I really wasn't going to be here later, I wanted to go back to my house to see if the demons left anything behind that the police hadn't seen. Pulling on my prowl clothes, I hurry out to the street, making my way home.
(No heels, combat boots)
Getting there, I'm surprised that the police hadn't done anything with the place. I thought they would've put caution tape around it or something. Grabbing the spare key from its spot, I go inside, carefully closing the door behind me. Walking around, I take all the pictures that were on the wall and put them in my backpack. I didn't want to lose these memories even if I was going to make new ones. Deciding to not go anywhere but the basement, I go down the stairs and flinch, seeing the blood stain in the middle of the floor. I'd never really been down to the basement. Dad told me not to go down there because of the dangerous things and I'd just listened to him. Now that I looked around, there wasn't anything dangerous down here, just a bunch of filing cabinets. Looking through the cabinets, I grab the folder labelled 'Choi Moonho and Choi Jian', stuffing it in my bag. About to close the filing cabinet, a folder catches my eye. It had my name on it. Not Jang Hana, just 'Hana'. Hearing something upstairs, I quickly grab it, stuffing it in my bag and hurry upstairs. "Who's there?" I ask and I hear a slight creak to my left. Lurching forward, I feel the claws of the demon tear through my leather jacket and my black jeans. "We knew you'd come back. That's why we had people wait here." The demon hisses and I run for the front door. "What people? You things aren't humans!" I scoff and bolt out the door towards the park nearby, the demon on my heels.
Getting to my feet, I sigh. The meeting had just been about the surge of demons in Seoul. Now Clan two and six had more work cut out for us. Going back to Hana's room, I knock and don't get an answer. Going inside, I'm surprised that she isn't there. Maybe she wanted time to herself. "Maru!" I go out to the hall and see BamBam running to me. "Hey, I forgot to pay the drycleaners, can you go do it for me? I have to finish my homework." Nodding, I take the money and go to my room, grabbing my wallet and phone before going out to the bus. I always seemed to get my homework done early, so I went on the chores that the others didn't have time to do. After paying for BamBam's cleaning bills, I go to my favorite park. I'd found it a couple of years ago and the reason I liked it was because there was a grand piano in the middle of it, so I could play it and hear it echo. Sitting down at the bench, I start playing one of the pieces that I'd been working on back home but freeze, feeling a demon at full power nearby. It was probably chasing someone. I hear heavy breathing and I bolt to stand behind a tree at the edge of the clearing. Watching, I see a figure sprint to the piano but the demon grabs onto the back of their shirt, hauling them back to them. "It was fun killing your-"The person slams their foot into the demon's face and I watch in surprise as the person unsheathes a scythe. The scythe was small, but it was a scythe. Within seconds, they'd cut all of the demon's weak points and it crumbles to dust. "Fuck you, try killing me and you'll get killed instead." I knew that voice. I'd only heard it two hours ago, but I knew it. Hana sheathes her scythe and crouches down, rifling through the demon's clothes. She comes up with a folded up piece of paper and keys to a vehicle. "Perfect." She mutters and limps out of the park. I hear a motorcycle engine rev and she peels out of the place like it's on fire.  

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