Chapter Six

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"Hana, hurry up or we'll-"Myung Ho turns around and suddenly stops, making me almost run into him. "Hana!" He yells and we all spin around, seeing her being thrown into a van, the demon slamming the door and getting into the shotgun seat. We bolt towards the car but it peels out of the spot it was at and speeds away. Picking up her backpack, we all run home. Bursting into Chief Choi's office, he looks up from his documents at us. "What's wrong, boys?" "Hana, she was taken by demons!" Chief Choi's complexion pales and he quickly grabs the phone on his desk. "Call an emergency meeting. One of ours has been taken." He drops the phone and start interrogating us. "When did this happen?" "Just now, when we were walking home from the bus." "How many were there?" "We don't know, there was a van and we only saw one get into the shotgun seat." "Go to her room and look for clues, quickly." I rush to her room and look for anything, anything that might have some kind of secret. Seeing a black backpack, I open it, dropping her school backpack and pull out a couple of folders. They looked untouched. Running back to Chief Choi, I drop them on his desk. "These were in her backpack. It looks like she hasn't opened them in a long time." The Chief quickly open the first folder, it having his name on it. "Why does she have a folder about me and my wife?" He mutters, frowning. He opens the other folder and holds up a paternity test. "Why does she have a paternity test between me and her?" He mutters again. "99.99901 percent?!" He quickly flips through the folder and finds pictures. "No, we thought she was dead. She's dead." He starts to panic and rifles through his folder, coming up with a picture of his daughter. "Quickly, one of you get my wife." Jungkook runs off and after a minute, comes back with ahjumma. "Dear, compare these pictures. Please tell me I'm not right." He holds them out and we look at them. The girls were entirely identical. "Where did you get this picture? I know all the pictures we've taken, but this is not one of them." "Our daughter, our Hana. She's alive." He breathes and I realize what was happening. It was either Hana didn't remember, or she was purposely hiding that she was their daughter. I didn't think she knew she actually was. "Her name is Jang Hana and she has just been kidnapped by demons for the second time in her life." Ahjumma falls to the floor and we quickly help her up. "My baby, is that why I felt such a connection. Is that why I felt such love for her?" She wails and Chief Choi's face hardens. "Boys, go to the meeting and inform all heads of the situation. Include the fact that she is my daughter. Let's start our mission to save her."
I jolt awake, feeling water being dumped on me. "Hello little girl, remember me?" I blink, trying to see in the dark place. Looking down at myself, I see that I'm chained to a wooden beam. Both of my wrists were cuffed together and a chain connected to a ring at the bottom of the wooden beam. Looking around, I see a few figures scattered around the place and realize that I'm in a warehouse. The man in front of me grasps my hair, making me to cry out in pain. "I asked if you remembered me." Looking up at him, I shake my head. I'd never seen him before. "This is useless, she's erased the incident from her memory." He lets go and slams his fist into my face. "But don't you think she'll remember if she experiences the same things she experienced last time?" Another voice ask and he looks down at me. "I suppose I could give it a try." He turns to walk away but and spins around, slamming his foot into my chest, making me fall back on the cold stone floor. "Hey little girl, I asked if you remember me. If you can't, I'll just make you remember." He grabs my hair and slams my head into the floor. Fireworks danced before my eyes and something flashes. (A/N * means a memory)

*"So, this is the little girl that is so important?" I curl up into a ball and watch as the men talked in front of me. The last thing I'd seen before I had been taken, was eomma going and paying for some snacks at the convenience store. "They say you're the person from the prophecy, do you think you are?" One of the men turns to me and I stare at him. He lurches forward, grabbing my hair slamming my head into the floor. "Do you?!" "Hey, cool it. We can't get anything out of her if she's dead." The man goes back to the others and I quickly sit up. "Eomma, appa!" I wail and the man slaps me. "Shut up, no one's coming for you." I start to cry and he needs to be physically held back "Who says no one is coming for her?" A voice asks and someone bolts out from the shadows, as fast as light. The men scatter and the two men that had been talking disappear. "Appa!" I call, sure that it was him. I knew my name was Hana, and I was sure that he was my dad. I didn't know anything*

Gasping, I see the man standing before me, a scowl on his face. "It looks like she's dying. She won't die from just a few kicks, will she?" I'm pulled under again.

*"Appa! Guess what? I made a new friend! Her name is Min Ah!" I run to dad and he turns to me, a sad look in his eyes. "Really? How about you go ask her if she wants to have ice cream with us?" I smile and run over to Min Ah's.*

The pain in my stomach from the kicks is hard to bear as I stare up at the man. "Don't look at me, you disgusting thing."

*"I'm sorry, but the two people on this test aren't related." The woman at the lab says and I feel my heart sink. If I wasn't my father's daughter, whose daughter was I?*

"I don't believe this human is from the prophecy, you probably got it wrong."

*"My daughter was kidnapped." "Call me eomma and that grumpy man appa, hm?"*

Taking a deep breath, I scream. A great scream filled with anger and realization. They had made me forget my parents, my life and I'd accepted the man that had saved me, as my father. They had ruined my life and I knew I couldn't forgive them. Something cracks and a part of the roof falls, moving the ground as it hits it. The sunlight filters in and I see the man's face. I see their faces. Light, come to me. I feel myself automatically pull at something, something that didn't exist physically. Suddenly it's blinding in the warehouse and the men scream. "Let's get out of here, we were right!" The men disappear and I'm heaving for air. Turning to the wooden beam, my feet plant firmly on it and I start to pull my wrists out of the handcuffs. It hurt, and it seemed that they'd put them the tightest they could to my wrists, but I didn't care. I needed pain to stop myself from thinking of ways to kill them. They were humans, men that had teamed up with demons for something. "Hana!" "Hana!" "Hana!" I hear the boys calling my name. "Hana! Are you here?" The door is shoved open all the way and I pause trying to get the cuffs off, looking over at the boys that stood in the doorway. Their masks covered their faces, but I could recognize each of them. All of them had their scythes out, they all were unique. Mom and dad appear in the doorway and I start to pull at the chain again, I wanted to run to them. "I'm here." I whisper and it seems to reach Maru's ears, because he looks around. "Hana!" He calls and runs to me with the others on his tail. "Are you-No, you're not okay." BamBam uses his scythe to snap the chain and I'm on my feet, running to mom and dad. "Eomma, appa!" I call and hug them with all my might. "My memory was gone, I didn't know. I didn't know!" Eomma hugs me and appa steps away, going to the boys. Mom takes my face in her hands, "It's alright, he just blames himself for not being able to protect you the first time you were kidnapped. He doesn't know how to treat his daughter because he hasn't had one for so long." I nod but quickly turn away from mom, doubling over. The pain from the beating was finally getting to me. "Hana, honey, are you okay? What hurts?" The boys come over and Yugyeom kneels next to me. "Tell me where it hurts, I can heal you." Gasping, I'm on my knees, shaking my head. I could feel my body healing itself. The power that I had was working without me consciously knowing it. "Your stomach?" Yugyeom asks and his hand goes to my side before immediately pulling back his hand. Breathing hard, the healing finally stops. "She's healed." Yugyeom quickly says and I look at the group standing there before I'm pulled into darkness.
Moaning, I start to wake up, but my whole body is in pain. "Are you awake?" An unfamiliar voice asks and I pry open my eyes before slamming them shut. Dark. My mind whispers the word and the light that seemed to seep through my eyelids goes dark. Slowly opening my eyes, I see that the curtains are closed and the lights are off. I look at the woman that stood next to my bed, she wore a white lab coat. "Are you feeling better?" I look around and see mom sitting at the end of my bed. "Why shouldn't I?" I rasp, my throat dry. "You were exhausted. The stress from your father dying denied you access to sleep. There also seems to be a few latent powers emerging from you now that you have your memories back." I'm confused and I try to lift my hand to stop her. Instead of lifting, pain shoots up my arm and suck in air, trying to ease the pain. "You mustn't move. If you move in your condition, it will be very painful. We'll call the heirs to take care of you." "Not Jisoo." I immediately say and the doctor nods before leaving. "Eomma," I get mom's attention and she smiles. "Are you alright, Hana?" I can't nod, so I say yes. "Why didn't you tell me? That you couldn't sleep because of your stepfather's death?" "Because I didn't want to bother you. You were someone that I didn't want to know that I was in pain." "Hon, when you're in pain, I'm in pain. That's just the way it is." I close my eyes and she takes my hand. "What powers do you have?" Thinking, it takes a few minutes to gather my thoughts. "I have the powers of a demon reaper, and a doc reaper. Maybe a war reaper and a catcher reaper's powers too. Maybe all of them. I seem to be able to control light and dark too. It scares me, eomma. All of these new powers that I didn't have before." "It's alright dear. I'm going to go talk to your father. Make sure the boys take good care of you." "Neh." I watch her leave and I sigh. There's a knock and I see the boys file in one by one. "Hey guys." I rasp, my throat dry. Jungkook brings a glass of water to me and helps me drink it. After the glass is drained, I'm laid back down and I thank him. "What's up with all of the solemn expressions?" "You're the chief's daughter, they probably won't let us hang out with you anymore." BamBam sighs and they all find places to sit around the room. "Bullshit. If they say that I can't, I'm going to tell them just what I think about that. Watch them try to stop me from hanging out with you guys. Oh, what am I wearing? I can't move." They each look at each other and shake their heads. I snicker and Maru sighs, getting up looking under the blankets. "Underwear. That's all." My eyes widen. "Really? They only left me in that?" He looks away, his face bright red. "Damn, that means I'm going to be fucking cold all night." The others start laughing and I look at each of them. "What?" "You're so casual about us seeing you in your underwear. Are you sure you're a girl?" Myung Ho gasps and I roll my eyes. "Of course I'm a girl. You wanna check? I'm just confident in my body, so there's really no reason to be embarrassed. For swimsuits you wear this much and people are just fine with that." He quickly holds up his hands, saying he doesn't want to check if I'm a girl. "Can someoneplease get a shirt on me? I'm cold." "I'm not dressing you." The boys all shake their heads. "Would you rather me try to fucking crawl out of this bed and completely fail, falling on one of you?!" I snap and Jungkook goes to my closet, grabbing Maru's sweatshirt that I hadn't given back yet. All the boys quickly look away as Maru helps me sit up and Jungkook guides my arms into the sleeves and zips it up. I'm laid back down again and I sigh. "Warm."  

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