3 - The Hospital

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Niall Horan

Soon we arrived to the hospital. I couldn't see anything but the flashing blue and red lights that continued to blind me. Two men pulled the girl out of the truck and rushed her in the hospital. Mark and I followed behind.

To my surprise the entrance to the hospital was crowded by fans. How did they know I was coming here? I felt absolutely terrible for the poor unconscious girl needing to get help but blocked by fans.
Lucky mark found a back way for me to get into the hospital with out being noticed. As soon as we walked in, the unconscious girl was wheeled the opposite direction from me. Mark and I were directed into a room and told to be seated at a table.
I decided to text the boys while I was waiting.

Group Chat:
Me: *Hey boys I'm at the hospital*

Zayn: *thank god . Is everything ok ?*

Me: *not sure , just got here .. Waiting to be asked questions ."

Harry: *Ok Niall, Good luck and please call of anything goes wrong. x"

Me: *Will do , thanks boys*

I slid my phone back in my pocket as a tall skinny man walked in. He had gray hair and small glasses. Look like he was in his 50's. "Hello, I am detective Wilson. I need to ask you some questions about the patient."
The tall man sat down and pulled out a notepad and a pen. "First of all please tell me your names."

"I'm Niall, Niall Horan. And this is my bodyguard Mark Jarvis." I said.
"Ahh I see.. So you're the one who's causing all the hysteria outside?"
"Uhh yeah that would be me.." I could feel my face turn red. I felt so bad. All these hospital patients are trying to get better and get sleep but they can't because of me.

"Ok first question.. What happened exactly and do you know the patient?"
Mark decided to answer. "No sir, we do not know the patient and sadly we don't know exactly what happened to her. We were filming a music video on the lake and we found her body floating in the water." Mark shook his head in disbelief after he said that. We were all still so in shock that something like this happened.
"I see. Well if you do not know any personal information about the patient we will have to take a DNA sample to find out who she is. It might take a while before we can get the sample so for the meantime if you could wait in the waiting room that would be very appreciated. Thank you for your time." The tall man stood up to shake my hand.
"Thank you sir." I replied. Mark and I walked out to go wait. I decided I'd send a tweet out asking the fans if they could leave the hospital and let the patients rest.

*to all the fans outside please leave , there are some really ill people here who need to rest . thank you !*

I turned to mark and he told me we might be here all night. I told him that's alright. I just really wanted to know who this girl was and what happened to her.

It is was 11:30 PM. Mark offered to have a bus come up here for me to sleep in but i declined. I didn't need to have some fancy car come here just for me. This isn't about me. It's about the girl.
A nurse came up to us. "Hello. There is a special room for family members and friends to sleep in down the hall. I will guide you there."
"Um miss? Do you know any new information about the patient? Has she awoken yet?" I said.
"Sadly no she has not awoken. But the doctor is saying tomorrow she will probably be up so they gave her a shot with special medicine to help her."
I immediately thought to myself what if she wakes up at night? She will be all alone and will have no idea what happened. She needs someone there.
"What about if I stayed in her room with her? And slept on the couch?" I offered. "Well Mr. Horan, there is no need for that because nurses will constantly be checking on her but if you want to you may." She gave me an approving nod of the head. I looked over at Mark.
"Is that alright with you Mark?" I asked. He let out a long sigh. "Fine." He breathed out.

The nurse lead me to the room. She slowly turned the knob and turned on the lights. "Well here you are. If you need anything just come and find me down the hall to the right." She gave me a pillow and some blankets. I was still standing at the entrance of the door talking to mark. "Remember Niall, I'll be in the family area. If anything happens just call me." Mark walked away and I was left standing.

I slowly walked into the room. But no girl. I walked over to the couch and set my blankets down. I looked around confused. That was until I found a curtain blocked by a shelf. I pulled it open and there laid the girl on the bed. My mouth opened in shock. She had blood and bruises in places I didn't notice before. Her brow eyebrows were furrowed in her sleep. She looked so peaceful yet so delicate and in pain. I wish I new her name.
I felt something wet touch my cheek. I lifted my hand up to wipe it. But it wouldn't stop. I was crying. It hurts me so much to see innocent people like this in so much pain. And for some reason I felt like this was all my fault. I realized haven't cried this hard since the trip to Africa with the boys.
I kneeled down beside the bed and lifted my hand up. I stroked her cheek with my forefinger. She was so beautiful.
I suddenly heard a nurse talking outside of the door. I quickly closed the curtain and ran over to the couch acting like I was getting ready to sleep. A nurse walked through the door and smiled at me. She walked over to the patients bed and pulled the curtain open. I saw her give a shot to the girl and collect some blood. Probably for the DNA sample.
She closed the curtain and said "have a good night." Before smiling and leaving the room. I decided to call one of the boys to tell them everything that's happening. I dialed Liam's number and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello? Niall mate?"

"Yeah hey Liam."

"What's going on is everything ok? How's the girl?"

"She's still unconscious but I'm in the room with her now."

"They let you in the room? What does she look like?"

"Yeah I'm sleeping in here tonight. She looks the same but different to me because I never got a close look of her. All I can say is that she looks a lot worse up close."

"So sorry to hear that.. How terrible. But go try to get some sleep and don't worry about too much. The doctors will help her."

"You're right. Thanks Liam."

"Anytime, bye Niall"

I hung up and sat down. I looked out the window next to the couch. Beautiful city lights scattered below. I got up and sat on the window sill. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. Still trying to process everything that had happened today.
Later I began to get tired so I walked back over to the couch. I got all cozy and situated and surprisingly fell asleep rather quickly. But still had one thing on my mind. The girl.

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