4 - New information

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Niall Horan

I opened my eyes and glanced at my phone. The time read 7:30 am. I'm so fucking tired. This morning I guess I was unable to sleep in. The couch wasn't the most comfortable to sleep on but I honestly couldn't sleep because I had so much on my mind.

I woke up in just boxers and my white tank top. But ya can't blame me.. I only had one outfit when I came to the hospital.

I combed a hand through my messy hair and swung my legs over the couch. I stood up and slowly walked over to the girls bed. She was still sound asleep. Knocked out. I made a worried face before walking away and making my way towards the bathroom.

Why hasn't she waken up yet? It's been hours. Maybe she did wake up but fell back asleep? I thought about the girl while I walked into the bathroom to change. I felt really gross because I didn't have any bathroom essentials with me. Maybe the hospital has a toothbrush? But my teeth are the least of my worries right now.

I heard the main door to the room creak open and I made my way out of the bathroom. "Detective Wilson?" I said confused. Why was he coming in so early. "Please come with me mr. Horan. We've found information about the girl."

    My heart shot out of my chest. I was finally gonna see who this mystery girl was and who did this to her.

   Detective Wilson lead me to the very back of the hospital on the top floor. He lead me to a room filled with several people on computers and on the screens were photos of people on it along with their information. In the corner of the room I saw Mark talking to some other man.

    When Mark saw me he stopped his conversation and walked over to me. "How was your night Niall?"

"Actually kind of rough. I'm so tired."

"Well after you hear this you are gonna be wide awake." He whispered in my ear. I got chills. My heart started beating so fast.

   "Mr. Horan, I brought you here to show you some information we found from the DNA sample." I nodded paying complete attention.

   "Her name is Ashley Ella Winters." A photo of her appeared on a big screen along with a load of information next to it that I didn't understand.

"She is 19 and lives on the outside of the London city. From what we last heard, she lives in an apartment with her boyfriend next to the lake you found her in. She is a single child and both her parents are dead. She has no close family in London."

When detective started talking about her boyfriend I immediately got angry. "Where was he when this all happened!? Was he just sitting at home while his girlfriend almost died? This is absolutely outrageous!" I yelled out.

Mark kept telling me to calm down but I couldn't. This is fucked up. "Mr. Horan please let me finish. We know that information from the last time she was at this hospital. It was earlier this year. She came in because she had very bad bruising and a fractured wrist. When we asked her where she lived and who she lived with that's what she told us. But the information could now be different." He continued to say.

"But did she come alone? And how did all that bruising happen?!" I know I'm being and annoying dick right now but I'm impatient and need answers.

"Yes she came alone and she said the bruising happened because she tripped and fell of a flight of stairs."

"Bullshit." I interrupted. "Niall you need to stop now." Mark warns me. "Fuck no Mark. You know who Probably did this to her? Her dick of a boyfriend. I mean why would he just let her come here alone!?" I yelled out.

"She said that she was home alone when it happened. Please calm down sir." The detective tried calming speaking to me. I realized I might be just over estimating things so I shut up.
"We don't have any more new information until she wakes up. So until then you can leave until we call you back.

"Okay. Thank you detective. And I apologize for blowing up like that."

"It's alright Mr. Horan. Hopefully we will see you soon for further information."

Mark led me out of the room and into the cafeteria. We walked down the hall to the elevator. Mark pressed the third floor button and I watched the doors shut as I pinched the sides of my nose so frustrated. I just wanted answers.

The elevator opened and we walked down to the hospital cafeteria. me and mark both ordered toast. Mark was waiting for it to cook while I walked over to grab a bottle of apple juice. Although beer would be really nice right now...

I suddenly felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw a young girl, about 8. "Are you Niall Horan?" She asked me. "Yes I am, are you a fan?" I politely smiled back.
"Yes I love one direction so much!! Can I please have my mommy take a picture of us?" She said throwing her arms up in the air.

"Of corse. What's your name, darlin?" "Amy" she smiled. I crouched down next to her and put my arm around her back. "1, 2, 3!" Her mother said.

Click! The camera flashed taking the photo. I turned to hug the small girl. "Sweetie what do you say?" Her mother whispered. "Thank you Niall" the little girl blushed. "No problem cutie. Nice meeting you."

I waved as they walked away walking over to pay for my breakfast with Mark. After we payed, we decided we would just eat down here. I sat down with Mark and I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. It was a text from Harry.

Harry: Hey how is everything? Call me?

I dialed Harrys number.


"Hey Harry."

"Hey how are things ni? Is the girl ok? How'd you sleep?"

"Actually we've found some information. Her name is Ashley. This is her second time here and no, she hasn't woken up."

"Damn. I'm really concerned."

"Me too. But I'll tell you when she wakes up."

"Ok sounds good. Bye Niall."

It was nearly 8:30. I ate the last bite old my toast and I felt my phone buzz. I picked it up and saw a hospital room phone number on the screen.


"Niall. This is detective Wilson. The girl is awake."

And I swear at that moment my heart skipped a beat.

Shattered- Niall HoranHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin