chapter 2: the plan

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Sabrina's pov : It was 10:00 p.m. uuggg. Why does time go by so fast? Well at least I got this list now. It was a list of things puck hated. Hehehehehe....... now all I have to do is put the plan into action.

First , I gotta read over my list. It said, soap, pink, work ,books,bathing ,vegtables , a night without his Keven the Deciever , pretty smells, and me.

That last one kinda hurt. Ehh.. nevermind. I'll feel better after some sleep and a nice revenge story tomarrow. I smirked. I'm finally going to get the little weasle back, make him suffer like he did to me.

Now , I have to be creative and come up with lots of traps and tricks to make his life miserible. Hahahahaha, this will be awesome!

--------------1 hour later

Finally finished with the list of panks. Phew just in time for bed too, if she stayed up to late then she'd be grounded for like, ever!

Now , tonight when every ones asleep she can gather her supplies. She can get the soap and hair dyes from the bathroom, the candles from red's room( she used them while meditating and has so many she won't notice the few gone ) and tthe videos from the living room.

So , at 3:00 A.M , she snuck out and got her things. Now she was ready. tomarrow would only be the first part of the plan.

After that she tip toed out of her room and into puck's. She couldn't wait to see his face tomarrow morning. And he'll have to stay that way for a week!

Once she got to his trampoline she took out one little bottle of pink gel and got to work. Smirking the whole time.

Time to get a little taste of your own medicine she thought evily.


Hey! Whats up! Howd ya like my second chapter? Please tell me, oh and tell me what you think sabrina is doing to puck? Let me know in a comment , the fist person to get write will get their name in my next A/N.Also i want some prank ideas, so give some ideas using the ingrediant on sabrinas list and the first the first 3 comments with pranks in them , i will do in my story! :D


A Sisters Grimm Fanfiction: Sabrina's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now