Chapter 4 : The Ultimate Prank

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Sabrina's pov

Last night was great! We ate pizza and played board games and watched a movie!And all without puck! I glanced at the clock, 5:30. Just enough time to do the next prank. So I got out of bed and got dressed, I know that puck likes me so I'm just going to use it against him. I chose to wear my favorite lavender flowy dress.This will make him weaker.

I walked out of my room to find my dad wearing boots , jeans,an old t-shirt,and gloves. Just what I asked for. Now to get to work.So we walked into puck's room and started gathering everything.He dragged the old bathtub over to the middle of the room and started setting up the white screen and projector.

I went all over the house gathering soap,toothpaste,books (which we have alot of), sented candles , veggies ,and my Iggy Azelea CD.I brought all in there . My dad already put the sleeping puck in the bathtub tied up, perfect.

I filled the bathtub with soap and toothpaste, put a book on his head, put my homework in front of him, put piles of books with the lighted candles on top, and put the Iggy CD in the projector, then I set it to one of my favorite songs called 'Work'.

Then I walked over to puck, leaned down next to his ear and yelled, " SABRINA'S DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He awoke in the blink of an eye and started looking around franticaly , then when he realized what was happening I turned on the song and started laughing. I heard some kind of sound from him that sounded like a cry of agony , but I was laughing so hard I didn't notice.

My dad had left the room after he finished with the projector. So when some body shook me it scared me real bad and I flipped them. It was puck, and he looked so bad I almost cried. He was swollen all over, his hot pink hair was sticking to his forehead from sweat , his breathing was stuggled, and his eyes were dimmer than usual and looked at me with hurt, pain ,and pleading.

I screamed for my family and callasped to the ground and started crying on puck. He had passed out and I felt like I could do the same.The last thing I heard was Daphne screaming.


Puck's pov

I wake up with a start, some body yelled "SABRINA'S DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I search frantically for her before I find her on the ground laughing . Phew , she's safe, wait what is happening to me! I'm surrounded by the things I hate. It hurts.

I cry in agony trying to get her attention, it doesn't work.I must get her attention or I will die! Suddenly I find the strength and break my bonds. I stagger over to her and shake her. She was obviously scared when I shook her and flipped me.

I felt the sharp pain of the ground coming onto me HARD. This staggers my breath and knocks it out of me. I can feel my vision getting blurry and I can't talk. So when I see her face I feel more pain than ever. She looked like she was on the verge of tears.

I'm blacking out but that doesn't stop me from seeing her legs callapse and hearing her scream. I hear Daphne scream, and the music turn off. Then every things black.


Sabrina's pov

I woke up to some one shaking me. It was Daphne.Aparrently I wasn't out for long , just a minute.But Puck was still hurt and I needed to fix it."What should we do!?" I asked. " Oh, I don't know liebling." Granny said in a panicked way. "I know what to do," Said Uncle Jake "But your not going to like it Sabrina."

"Anything." I said. " Ok, we need to go to Baba Yaga's."



Hi! What up?! How do u guy's like it ? What do u think will happen to Puck? Tell me what you think so far in a comment below.


                                                  -MorganPrine with lots of love. <3

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