11. A Dinner Celebration.

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A week after the trial, the crew had finally found the time to relax, unwind, and celebrate. Fin, Nick, Amanda, and Olivia were all congregating in the living room of Rafael's apartment while Cadence was in the kitchen, cooking. Turns out, that with a bit of supervision from Rafael, she was decent at following a recipe. Tonight she was cooking herself, and Rafael had full trust in her.

Cadence finished her cooking, placing 7 plates on the table as Rafael and his mother walked into the living room from the balcony. It seemed like they were in a bit of a fight.

"Mi hijo tonto, I am serious about this! I mean, you have only kno--" Rafael turned, glaring at his mother to shut her up. She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms before helping Rafael down the step into the den-area. Rafael had been using crutches since he'd gotten out of the hospital, and been signed up to do physical therapy every Wednesday till he was better.

Rafael and Cadence made eye contact, Cadence smirking slightly when she realized that Rafael was looking for a lifeboat from his nagging mother. "Need help setting the table, babe?" He called to her, glancing between his mother and his girlfriend. Cadence chuckled, thinking for a moment.

"Uh, no. I don't think I do." Rafael glared slightly. "Besides, dinner is ready! Come and eat everyone!" Cadence helped Rafael into his seat. Rafael's mother had tried to help, but was beaten to it by Cadence. Lucia had pursed her lips slightly, sitting down to the right of her son. Cadence had poured wine for the guests that wanted it, serving the others juice.

Fin took a bite out of his food, humming slightly. "This is good, Cadie. What is it?" Cadence smiled, setting her fork down.

"Black Bean Fajitas, and Chorizo. Rafael gave me the recipe, which was originally from his mother." Cadence, along with everyone else at the table, looked towards Lucia for a small sign of approval. Lucia took a small bite of the chorizo, looking at Cadence in the eye, before raising a corner of her mouth in a smile.

Nick snickered, causing Amanda to laugh softly, who made Fin chuckle, and on and on until the entire table had forgone its business-like manner and turned into a sort of family. Olivia had rejoiced about her recent adoption of Noah, Nick joking about how she has yet to really face the terrors of parenthood.

"You haven't been a parent till you begin to think that spit-up stains are almost mandatory on every shirt you own." Nick took a small sip of his drink, smiling down at the table for a moment. Amanda gently patted his arm, snapping Nick back to reality slightly.

The seven conversed for a few more hours, people leaving throughout the night. First it was Nick and Amanda, the two trying to get a bit of time in before Nick had to catch a flight to San Fransisco. Then, it was Fin, saying that he didnt want to miss the Taxi hours. Finally, Olivia had left, saying that she had to let the babysitter go home for the night. It was just Rafael, Cadence, and Rafael's mother, Lucia.

The three were drinking wine, telling stories in the living room. Lucia was dishing out about Rafael's childhood, while Rafael was growing red, protesting his mother from continuing.

"When Rafi was a little boy, going to catholic school, he was in the drama club." Rafael's eyes widened as he choked on his wine for a moment.

"MAMI!" Cadence gently hit Rafael's arm, smirking slightly.

"Please, continue Lucia."

Lucia smiled, shaking her head. "Well, he was cast in The Nutcracker, and during one of the dances, he was supposed to be carried into a bed. No, Rafi was just so nervous, that he peed in that bed. Everyone in the cast knew, poked fun at him for it."

"Mom...!" Rafael's protests were hushed by Cadence's giggle-snort.

"Oh, gosh... Thank you, Lucia, for that lovely bit of blackmail." She looked back to Rafael, who was fuming slightly. Cadence rolled her eyes, swirling her wine before taking a sip.
"I might as well say one to make Rafi feel better. I think it was 3rd grade, my class had to sing Jingle Bells at the Christmas assembly. I asked if I could be in the front row so my parents could see me, the whole time knowing I was going to sing the "Jingle bells, Batman smells..." version." Lucia chuckled. "So I sang, rather screamed, my version and was immediately suspended after the assembly."

Cadence heard Rafael snicker, and shook her head slightly. She gently pressed a kiss to his cheek, standing and yawning. "Terribly sorry to leave you two alone, but I am so tired." She looked over to Rafael, smiling softly. "Come to bed when you're ready." Lucia stood, her and Cadence hugging before Cadence walked into the bedroom, shutting the door.

Lucia and Rafael exchanged a look, Lucia raising her eyebrows slightly. "She... Isn't terrible." Rafael chuckled, taking another sip of his wine before setting it on the coffee table. "Rafi... You're totally serious about this... This mujer mayonesa?" Rafael nodded, looking at his mother.

"Mami... I haven't felt this strongly about a woman since 11th grade... Trust me on this, okay?"

Lucia sighed softly, downing the rest of her wine. "When are you asking her?"

"In a few months. Not too soon, I promise."

Lucia smiled softly, shaking her head.

"I hope you are making the right choice, Rafi."

"I am, Mami."

A few days after the celebration, Cadence walked into the station. She was greeted by a new detective, Dominick Carisi.

"Can I help you?" The man's mustache put Cadence off, as did his slicked back, almost greasy looking hair.

"Sargent Benson called me? Said she wanted to see me? I'm Cadence Hampton." Carisi smiled, his eyes lighting up.

"Oh, yeah! You were that girl who helped take down the Chess-and-checkers club! I remember reading about that case. Terribly sorry to hear about... What's his name? Barbar?"

Cadence rolled her eyes, starting to get annoyed with this Carisi guy. "Barba. His name is Rafael Barba. Anyway. Is Liv in?" Carisi nodded, leading Cadence to Olivia's office. He knocked, opening the door.

"Hey, Sarge, a girl is here to see you. Says her name is Cadence?"

"Ah, yes. Send her in." Cadence walked into the office, Carisi shutting the door as she entered, leaving her and Olivia alone. "Cadence, take a seat." Cadence sat across from Olivia at her desk, setting down her purse.

"Glad to see you. Why am I here?" Cadence tilted her head, smiling slightly. Olivia picked up a file, and handed it to Cadence. "What's this?" Olivia sighed softly, biting her lip.

"Well, when the case was going we had tried to contact your mother. She had died of a heroin overdose. But, what we found... What we found... May be of some importance to you."

Cadence opened the file, furrowing her brow. "A birth certificate?" Cadence looked up, Olivia motioning for her to read the paper.

  James Hayword
Wife (separated)
Melissa Hampton (deceased, 2009)

"Me-Melissa Hampton is my mom... This can't be true." Cadence looked up at Liv, before reading the paper again.

Cadence Hampton

"James... James was my dad?" Cadence felt tears well up, smiling softly. She stood, taking a tissue and blowing her nose as she leant against a chair. Olivia stood as well, walking towards Cadence and hugging her.

"He loved you, Cadence. He took care of you just like he was supposed to." Cadence stepped away from the hug, wiping her eyes.

"Thank you, Olivia. For... Everything."


Cadence and Rafael walked along the gravestones, holding a picnic basket and blanket. They stopped, finding the gravestone they were looking for. Rafael laid out the blanket, the two sitting across from the stone.

James Hayword.
"Sometimes what I wouldn't give to have us sitting in a bar again at 9:00 a.m. telling lies to one another, far from God."

"Hey, Dad." Cadence smiled softly. "I'm so sorry I haven't been visiting you recently." Cadence looked to Rafael, who nodded for her to go on. "I forgive you for not telling me who you were, but I suppose I owe you for not telling you about... Things." She wiped away a tear.

"Boy, do I have a story for you." She felt a hand on her shoulder. "But... I think I wanna start from the beginning."


(A/n: THE END! I think this is the only story ever that I have completed! Ever! I hope ya'll aren't crying. Anyway. Be on the lookout for a domestic series. It'll be full of smutty, fluffy, romantic drabbles. Love you all! Bye!)

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