Chapter 5 - [The Friendly Pirates]

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Nerina was awoken the next day by a loud knocking on her door.

            “Rise ‘n shine Princess! We be eating breakfast now, you better hurry to the dining hall before all the food is gone!” Said a voice she couldn’t recognize.

            She got out of bed and lazily walked to the door, opening it up and gasping when she saw a fat pirate with a large grin at her door.

            “Come now, I don’t want to be starvin’ ‘cause I didn’t get me breakfast.”

            Nerina hesitated but followed the fat man to the dining hall.

            When they arrived, she was startled by all the noise.

            “I win!” One pirate yelled as he jumped onto a table.

            Nerina raised her eyebrow. She was so used to quite breakfasts that this seemed absolutely strange to her.

            Everyone was either yelling or arm wrestling each other.

            Nerina felt a little out of place, so she sat alone at a table, not knowing what else to do. She was then suddenly surprised by the blonde pirate who sat then next to her. “Good morning pretty princess.” He said.

            She smiled at him. “Good morning…”

            “You ain’t hungry?”

            She nodded right away. “I am.”

            The blonde pirate got up, walked over to another table, picked up a bole of untouched food and brought it over to her. “Don’t think imma come get you your food every day. You come here, and there should be a dish waiting for you.”

            Nerina nodded as she picked up the spoon and took a sip of the breakfast that looked a little like porridge. It tasted good.

            Another pirate came and sat in front of her. “Mornin’ lady.” He grinned a toothless grin. She then realized it was the older pirate who helped the blonde open the crate she was in.

            She smiled hesitantly and nodded her head. “Good morning.”

            The man laughed. “No need to be frightened, love! We ain’t gonna bite.”

            “We ain’t but Sods over there might.” The blonde said as he pointed at a tall skinny man who was smoking a cigar. “Keep away from him, unless you want him to bite, of course.”

            Both the blonde and the other man started to laugh, but Nerina didn’t understand the joke.

            “Ay, little lady, we didn’t get your name, now did we?” The elder man said. “I think you mentioned it yesterday, be we didn’t catch it.”

            “Oh.” Nerina started. “My name is Nerina… of Caspian.”

            Both the men began to laugh.

            Again, Nerina didn’t understand what was funny.

            “Yer folks are quite smart, aint they?” The older man said.

            “Definitely chose a perfect name for such a perfect girl.” The blonde said.

            Nerina raised her eyebrow.

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