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So here's chapter 19 and I'm finishing chapter 20. So please VOTE and I'll update the next chapter today.


Beth's POV

At the end, Niall just wanted to talk to me to ask me for Spanish lessons. He said that, even though he didn't need it for college, it would be useful to know another language apart from English. I stayed with him the rest of the evening and he drove me home later.

When I arrived, Zayn wasn't there, as I had suspected. I made sure to arrive at an hour I knew he would have gone to his own house already, so I didn't have to confront him.

I saw him in class on Thursday and Friday and he smiled at me when he entered, but he didn't talk to me. I didn't give him the occasion. I entered the class early and when the teacher dismissed us, I had already gathered my things and quickly ran out of class.

I told Trisha I was going to spend the weekend with Eleanor, who didn't have any plans with Louis, thankfully. She asked why I hadn't gone to the party on Friday and I answered that I was a bit tired and didn't feel like it. She could sense that was a lie, but also that I didn't want to talk about it, so she let it be. Instead, she made sure I was occupied the whole weekend: we went shopping, we rented movies and we talk and laugh.

I had a great time with her, though I thought about Zayn a lot. I constantly thought about what he would be doing, if he went to his parents' to spend the day and if he was angry at me. He probably was.

I don't know why, but I couldn't bring myself to talk about my feelings with him. I don't even know what my feelings are. I know that the sensation a get when I'm with him is good, but I'm not brave enough to tell myself that I may like him.

Since Iván is hard for me to trust my feelings for a guy again. But you can't blame me, the bastard broke my heart. I keep telling myself that maybe Zayn could be the one to fix it, but I'm not sure yet. That's why I don't want to talk to him till I make out my mind.

Unfortunately, Monday came and I had to return to college. I managed to slip out of class without him catching me the first two days.

Today is Wednesday and I'm in business, trying to focus on what Mrs. Andrews is explaining, but my eyes keep diverting to the door, silently waiting for him to appear.

But he doesn't. I don't know why he hasn't come today; I hope he's fine.

An hour later, Mrs. Andrews dismisses us and I get out of class. I turn left and suddenly a gentle, but secure grip on my wrist pulls me towards him, the mix of cigarettes and his own body scent immediately invading my nostrils.


I look up at him and he's holding a serious expression on his face.

Without a single word, he starts to walk, dragging me along with him.

"What are you doing?" I say trying to free my wrist, but he tightens his grip a bit. Not enough to hurt me though.

"You're not running away again." He answers with an neutral tone.

He leads me to an empty hall, where nobody can disturb us or hear what we say. He lets go of my wrist and turns around, standing in front of me. He sighs in exasperation and runs a hand through his hair.

He looks tired and angry. His eyes still hold their natural honey colour, but you can see the disappointment in them.

However, he looks so good at the same time. He's wearing a white t-shirt with a jean jacket on, which covers his arms completely, and simple black jeans. He has a bit of stubble, the black contrasting perfectly with his pink lips. And even though his hair is a mess, but the way he combs it with his fingers is entrancing.

"What happened to you? You didn't go to class." I ask, trying to break the ice and because I was worried.

"Nothing, I just made sure you didn't ignore me this time." He says looking at me in the eye.

"You skipped class to get me to talk to you?" I ask incredulous.

Is he serious right now?

"Yeah, I did." He says as if it was nothing.

"That's crazy!" I say a bit louder than I intended.

But is true, it's crazy. I mean, who does that?

His eyes darken a bit at my tone of voice and he looks at me with a mixture of anger and hurt.

"And what I'm supposed to do, Elizabeth?" He asks harshly. "You don't talk to me, you are never at home when I try to catch you there and you always run out of class before I get to approach you!" As he talks, his voice gets louder and angrier. I just stay silent, letting him expressing himself. "So yeah, maybe it is a bit crazy, but I'm just trying to clear things out with you, so we can be friends again!"

There it is again the conversation! Can't he just let it go? Doesn't he realise that I don't want to talk about it?!

I know he's right, but if being a coward is what it takes for him to forget about it, so be it.

"I've got to get to class Zayn." I say with a serious expression, starting to turn around.

"Dammit, Elizabeth! Stop running away from me!" He says from behind.

When I don't obey, I feel his hand on my shoulder and before I realise what's going on, he has pinned me to the wall.

"You've been doing it for a whole week, you're trying to ignore that damn conversation and you're being childish." He says, looking at me with dark eyes the whole time.

I look at him and his eyes soften a bit. He looks away and sighs.

"I just want to know what I did wrong. It drives me crazy to see you being mad at me and not knowing the cause. So please just tell me, what did I do to you?" He pleads, his voice soft and tired at the same time.


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