Chapter 36

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Ash fell asleep while me and Lachlan were talking.

"Poor ash." Lachlan comments, stroking her her lightly, she smiles in her seat.

"Yeah, shes heartbroken. I hate Ethan." I say, venom spitting into my voice while i dig my uneven nails into my hands.

"Ethan! I want another baby..." I hear ash mutter in her sleep replaying THAT moment. I see her look shocked then tears role down her face.

"Oh, so thats what happened." Lachlan says quietly.

"Yeah, She lost her baby," A tear rolled softly down my face as I thought of my used to be lost sister, in so much stress and hurt.

"So, its getting late, you can sleep on the fold out armchair to be with Ash, or the spare room?" Lachlan says to me getting up to grab the spare duvet. 

"Fold out chair." I tell him, pulling it out to make a foot stool attached. I lie down and get comfy as Lachlan brings my duvet and some pillows out.


"G'night Vick."

I lay awake staring at the ceiling, I can hear his footsteps, and creaks as he gets into bed. I drift off to sleep and await the next day.

(Okay guys, this is an a/n now for a funny story, but for me it was horrible. So basically, we have this couch which has black things that clip it together so they dont slip apart. I found one of them next to me and put my finger through it, with ease. BUT I COULDNT GET IT OFF. we tried butter on my finger, my dad tried using his little saw blade to cut it open, but he cut me. Did i mention that this was at 11 at night when i was snuggled up watching hunger games? No, WELL IT WAS. So at midnight mum drove me to a and e(Accident and emergency) It was a twenty minute drive as the hospital nearest us would be full of drunk people. so we waited for like 2 hours and 15 minutes, with this thing still stuck on my finger, and its still swelling up. The doctor had never seen this before and they had to call the fire brigade to come, only, they were out. So this mean doctor comes in and yanks it up, while im screaming in pain and crying, with my chair against the wall and my other hand digging my nails into mum. He finaly stopped and got a ring cutter, and some doctor scissors and after an hour he pried it open, and tried to push my finger through, but that hurt like hell and cracked the same finger 3 times. he took a chunk out of the thick plastic and it hit me in the face, which hurt. but it came off, after breaking the doctors scissors, xD YAY. I couldnt bend my finger as it has fully swelled up, and today is the day after and I still cant bend it. Thanks for listening the strangest injury, feel free to tell me about a strange injury that happened to you.! BIA)

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