Chapter 11

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Ash's POV

Today's the day I get to see JJ but I'm only allowed to see him, family only till next week.

I nervously walked up to the counter where the receptionist didn't even look up. She was looking intently at a screen. Oh must be important, I thought, I'll just wait.

After 10 minutes, I coughed. She barely glanced at me. I leaned over to look at her screen, expecting to see numbers and words and grids and highlighted coulors. Nope. She was playing flappy bird.

I cleared my throught and finally she looked up.

"What?" She snarled.

"I'm here to see JJ(sorry don't know his last name, pls tell me if you know)" I told her.

"Family only. No girlfriends to make out with." She said rudely.

"I'm his daughter, now tell me where he is, A$$ hole."

"Umh, room 584." She grunted. Rude. I thought. Then I opened JJ's door. I burst into tears. There he was, bloody bandage wrapped around his head, sling for his arm, his leg propped up. I sent Ethan a text.

To: Ethan

I'm staying the night here. I can't leave JJ now, once I've seen him.

From: Ash

Adopted by.... my idols? (The ultimate sidemen fan fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant