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My heart hammers against my chest as my eyes dart around the room.

Where's the man?  More importantly  Where's Andrea?

The scene in front of me makes my head throb. What the heck just happened here? Everything happened so quickly I didn't have time to think.

The mysterious, tall man.
The mirror that's not actually a mirror.
The lab.
Andrea gone. (Again I might add)
And remember, the animal limbs.

This is just getting weirder, and weirder. What's next, I find my long, lost twin. Well that would actually be cool, I hope th-

An annoying voice interrupts my thoughts,


"Yes I freakin' care she's my best friend and she's gone. And there's blood, there's glass. There's broken stuff everywhere, There was just a weird guy I saw through this mirror thing. And to add to this mess, I am starving." I say in one breath. Jaclyn just stares at me with an open mouth.

"You are seriously thinking about food right now. How could someone think about anything  other than what just happened here," She throws her hands up in frustration, "and how are you even calm right know, I am freaking out and I'm not even the girls friend."

I sigh in defeat. Ya, okay I am not good in serious situations. Last year my older sister's boyfriend came to me to ask me permission to marry my sister. I just stared dumbfounded for like five minutes at the guy. But I eventually figured out how to nod my head and they got married a month later. But hey, they only have been dating for 2 months, it was kinda shady to me.

"You're doing it again." Jaclyn says, tapping her stupid foot, and staring at me with annoyed eyes.

"Sorry." I mutter."Lets just figure out how to get out of here and get Andrea back."



I have been staring at the scene in front of me for like thirty minutes and I've got nothing. Anything could have happened to her in these thirty minutes. But all I know for sure is that someone came in and cut off all the lights. Kidnapped Andrea and left a big mess of broken glass and blood.

"Oh my goooosh." Jaclyn whines, "this is so hard."

"Your whining doesn't help." I snap.

"Ok I'm sick of staring at this with a blank mind, let's look around the room for a door." Jaclyn says getting off her butt to go look around.

"I couldn't agree more." I say, and start rubbing my temples. My head is killing me after staring with an empty mind for half an hour.

"Ok so someone came in here took Andrea, and left a giant mess behind them. That must mean that she put up a good fight. Also there is blood probably coming from Andrea, or the person who took her, it doesn't really matter because they are both going to the same place," She looks at me like she expects me so finish, but I just stare, real surprised at her, "let's follow the trail of blood and see where they went." She finishes and sticks her chin high. Obviously proud of herself.

My jaw almost touches the ground. I had no idea she was this smart. But I guess it was pretty obvious that we should follow the trail of blood. She still surprised me.

My eyes followed the trail of blood and I gasped loudly when it ended. Right in front of it was a small door.

How could I not have noticed?

I thought as I walked to the door, motioning Jaclyn to come over. She also gasped but also started cackling like a witch. My head snaps back to glare at her.

"Sorry I'm just so glad to get out of here." She claps her hands excitedly and gets closer to the door.

I ignore her babyish behavior and stare at the door.

Finally I'm gonna get out of here.

I think, I reach my shaky hand towards the door to open it. But, right as I'm about to open it, it whips open and I am taken back by a familiar face.

  Its Kailua.



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