7: Bold

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The sun wasn’t even up yet when I left the house on that fine September morning. I stared at my feet, watching them move up and down. Walk, walk, walk.

I needed to think and escape. Why did this happen to me? Why was I so unfortunate all the time? The damn leprechaun that I thought was my best friend obviously wanted to screw me over constantly. Stupid leprechauns. Stupid everything.

And the walk was quick. My mental silence and the silence around me made me walk faster than I normally would.

There were a few cars in the parking lot but none that I recognized. Emily’s van, Madison and Katie’s SUV, Fisher’s sports car. No one.

So I just kept walking until I was at the overhang. I stood there, leaning against the cold stone pillar, just waiting. I didn’t really know what or who I was waiting for but it was better than going inside and dealing with people I didn’t care to know.

Soon, people were piling into the school. The first bell rang.

I saw Fisher.

Our eyes met for a long second before he looked down at his shoes. He approached me.


“Don’t bother.”

“Sky,” he said softer, “What is going on. Sky, I told you the truth, dammit, I told you the fucking truth and this is what I get?”

I shook my head. What a thick headed boy. I walked inside to Mrs. Phillip’s class. I made it just before the bell rang, thankfully. Well, my day couldn't get much worse. Unless someone dropped a school bus on my face. Yeah, then things would definitely suck.

Fisher walked in late, but Mrs. Phillips acted like it was nothing. Why does she hate me?

"Hey sunshine, where have you been?" Matt smiled at me, "haven't seen you since... the race. I was worried."

"I got sick."

"Oh, I'm sorry," he frowned.

I glanced at Fisher who still had his head down, "it’s not your fault."

"I still feel bad," he put his hand in mine.

I weaseled my hand out of his, “Well don’t,” I smiled at him.


And the rest of the day was a blur because I did something I would never normally do. I skipped class. I went to the library and just sat at a table by myself, doodling in my notebook. Hell, it was better than actually going to class. I watched all the other students rushing in and out, doing homework before their classes, skipping classes, working on projects. It was kind of interesting in a sense. I always liked people watching.

Especially when they do something embarassing.

Like the girl that tripped over a guy's foot and fell into another guy's lap. That made me laugh. Well, not out loud. Everyone would know it was me laughing.

The bell rang and school was over.

“Sky! Hey! Where were you during Art?”

I shrugged, “I just didn’t want to go to class.” I glanced to my left. It was Madison.

“What’s eating you, babe? I hate it when you’re sad. And it’s my birthday. You can’t be sad.”

“Fine, fine,” I frowned, “I don’t even have a dress for tonight.”

“Well I might just know someone with the same dress size and the same shoe size,” she giggled, “and you need a makeover. So, I’m abducting you. I already called James.”

I shook my head, “I just need to get some rest.”

“Nope, nope, nope, you slept for two whole days, you are coming to my party tonight and you aren’t going to sleep. Nope, you will party all night long with me and Katie.”

“Do I have to?”

“It’ll be a birthday gift,” she hugged me, “Please Sky, this party won’t be fun without you.”

“If I must…”



“You both have issues,” I shook my head.

“You love us,” they said in unison.


We jumped into their wicked bad ass SUV and left the school.

This party would be fun. It would be. I just had to convince myself that it would be. Fingers crossed.

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