Chapter 5

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Payne: Yoohoo~! Just wanted to say that I'm glad some people like this fic so far. I'll be drawing another picture for the next chapter while I'm on break. Enjoy~

Sasuke had just entered his house, while holding Sakura, who was smiling and messing with his hair, in his arms. On his way home, the villagers were taking pictures of him and Sakura, thinking they were so adorable and that Sasuke was such a loving father. He tried to speed up his walking, but his fangirls stopped him, demanding to know who the mother was. Having enough of everything, Sasuke just disappeared from the huge group of girls and appeared in front of his house; the whole time, Sakura was giggling as if she was enjoying his embarrassment.

"You really think that's funny?" he asked, putting the girl down and raising an eyebrow at her.

"I'm sorry Nii-chan," Sakura said, smiling, "it was just funny, that those girls were angry and their faces looked red, hehe~" Sasuke just looked at Sakura, as she kept smiling innocently, and then sighed before walking over to the stairs and began climbing them. A second later, he heard small thumping and stopped, halfway up the stairs.

'What the hell?' the Uchiha thought, turning around and saw Sakura was following him, but instead of walking up the stairs, she was hopping up them.

'Kawaii!' Inner Sasuke was squealing, annoying Outer Sasuke.

'I thought I locked you up.' Sasuke thought, as he watched Sakura hop past him and continue up the stairs.

'You can't get rid of me bitch, I'm here to stay!' Sasuke just refused to say anything, as he made his way to the top, where the little hyper Sakura was waiting and playing with the lining around her waist. Immediately, Sasuke remembered why he came upstairs in the first place.

"Hey do you want different clothes?" he asked, catching the little girl's attention and she nodded, "Ok then, follow me." As he walked towards his room, he looked back to see Sakura following him, while swaying her head from side to side and singing 'Follow the Leader.' Sasuke couldn't deny it, eight year-old Sakura was adorable, but he would never say it out loud and plus, he wanted the old Sakura back. Shaking himself out of his thoughts, he opened the door to his bedroom and Sakura quickly ran in and jumped onto his bed.

"Wheeee!" she squealed, as she jumped up and down on the mattress. Sasuke couldn't help but chuckle at her actions, while walking over into his closet and opened it. Seeing that her Nii-san wasn't paying attention to her anymore, Sakura stopped jumping and sat on the bed, with her head tilted to the side, curiously watching what he was doing. Sasuke went into the back of his closet and pulled out a small, light-blue shirt with short sleeves, with a wide collar and the Uchiha symbol on the back and white shorts, from when he was eight.

'Can she wear this?' he thought, examining the articles of clothing, then turned his attention to Sakura, who was still sitting on the bed and now running her fingers along the the ribbon, in her hair.

"Sakura," he said, making the girl stop what she was doing ad look up at him, "can you come over here?" Smiling, Sakura stood up and hopped off the bed, then ran over to Sasuke, before stopping in front of him. Sasuke kneeled, down to her eye level, and held the shirt up to her.

"Want to wear this?" he asked, after seeing that it was the right size for her. Sakura didn't even hesitate to answer and nodded her head, while giggling. Pleased with himself, Sasuke handed her the clothing and pointed to the bathroom, in his room so she could change. She ran off into the bathroom and closed the door, while Sasuke stood up and went back to the closet. He pulled out some clothes and quickly changed his clothes also. He could hear Sakura, in the bathroom, singing 'No Thank You' and tried not to smile, since it was amusing to him.

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