||Chapter 1 ||

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The sun's rays penetrated the cracks in the curtains, casting streaks of light across Sashiru's bed as she began to wake. A bead of sweat trickled down the side of her face, quickly brushed away with a frustrated sigh. It had been another night of restless sleep, haunted by nightmares that had plagued her since the loss of her parents.

A buzzing sound emanated from her bedside table, signalling a new text message on her phone. With a sense of curiosity mixed with unease, Sashiru reached for her phone and saw that the message was from an unknown number.


The message sent a chill down her spine, and she furrowed her brows in confusion. Who could be sending her such a cryptic warning? Ignoring the slight tremble in her hands, Sashiru decided to reply, asking the sender to reveal their identity. However, her attempt was met with disappointment as the message bounced back, leaving her with more questions than answers.

Deciding to push the mysterious message to the back of her mind for the time being, Sashiru shifted her focus to preparing for work. Throwing off the blanket that covered her legs, she made her way through the familiar path to the bathroom, her thoughts already consumed by the day ahead.

Walking down the narrow hallway, her gaze briefly fell upon the pictures adorning the walls. A pang of sorrow pierced her chest, the sharp sting of grief still clawing at her guarded heart. She knew that allowing herself to break down now would only deepen the wounds, making it harder to piece herself back together. So, she forced herself to push through, determined to face the day ahead with resilience.

As Sashiru stepped into the bathroom, the cold, black tiles underfoot sent shivers racing down her spine, urging her to hasten her steps toward the shower. Finally shedding her pajamas, she welcomed the warmth of the shower's water cascading over her skin, a soft sigh escaping her lips at the comforting change in temperature.

Sashiru reached for the shampoo, squirting a reasonable amount into the palm of her hand before working it through her soft auburn curls, massaging her scalp in the process. With practiced motions, she ensured that every strand was thoroughly coated before rinsing and repeating the process with conditioner. The rich, creamy formula left her hair feeling silky and smooth.

After finishing with her hair, Sashiru reached for the coconut body wash, enjoying the tropical scent as she lathered it over her skin. The warm water cascaded down her body, washing away the remnants of sleep and leaving her feeling refreshed and ready to face the day ahead. Turning off the shower, Sashiru stepped out into the steam-filled bathroom, reaching for a towel from the rack and wrapping it snugly around herself. With purposeful strides, she approached the sink, raising her hand to wipe away the condensation from the mirror, revealing her reflection.

Two blue eyes stared back at her; their usual vibrancy tainted by an underlying hint of sadness that seemed to cloud their color. Sashiru couldn't help but linger for a moment, studying the reflection before her, a silent acknowledgment of the emotions that still lingered beneath the surface.

With a deep breath, she whispered softly to herself, "You've got this," before her hand wrapped around the handle of her hairdryer, detaching it from the wall rack. It took a little over 10 minutes to thoroughly dry the thick curls of her hair, the warm air enveloping her in a comforting embrace.

Once satisfied with her hair, she switched off the hairdryer and made her way back to her room to retrieve her uniform. Retrieving her uniform from the closet, Sashiru slipped into it swiftly before donning her shoes and socks. With practiced efficiency, she assembled her bag for the day. Phone? Check. Tea? Check. Umbrella for the impending rain? Check. Keys? Check.

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