Chapter 8

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Yo, so I was eating a bowl of very delicious cereal and I was thinking, should I even continue this story? I don't know how I am doin', but then I checked out the reads and figured it must be decent since ya'll are reading. So, thank you very much for reading and I hope you enjoy!


I wake up in absolute pain. Based on the nasty array of disinfectants and the white walls I am either in a mental institution or just a regular hospital. I'll go with the second one.

I gently removed the IV from my arm and sat up slowly. I felt like I got hit by a diesel, thrown 40 yards and ran over by a minivan full of clowns. A hand firmly placed itself between my breast and pushed me back down.

It was the good Dr. Chace Nelson. Even though we grew up together he managed to complete school early to become the pack doctor as soon as possible after his mother, the former pack doctor passed in a rogue attack. He's 22 now, and if I could choose a mate I would've chosen him. "You need to rest."

"Chace, what the hell happened to me?" I groaned and then stopped resiting his hand.

"Well two major things, but first I want you to do something first. Kate I need you to try and connect with your wolf."

"What? Why? Is something wrong with my wolf? Is she okay?" I started to get panicky which in turn caused me to try and sit up, but Chace's firm hand returned to lay me back down.

"Calm down I just want to confirm a suspicion that I have. I will explain it after you do as I say." I didn't trust my voice to be steady so I just nodded my head. " Now, try to connect with your wolf."

I take a few deep breaths and visualize my wolf, but her image is fuzzy like a blurred image. I try to focas and call out her name, but my voice doesn't reach her. I explain everything to Chace, and he looked...sad almost reluctant to tell me what he had to say next.

"So, what's wrong with me, Chace?"

" Well...your mate, even though you were already fully mated, had intimate relations with another...if you weren't mated the pain wouldn't be as severe, but because you are, they are amplified. From what your classmates told me you were screaming and convulsing for a full two minutes before you blacked out and after you blacked out you continued to scream and convulse for another two minutes. Usually the pain would continue for the entire duration of your mate's infidelity, but after those two minutes you went completely limp." Tears stung my eyes, but I refused to cry over that asshole. I knew he would do this eventually, but damn I never thought he'd do it so soon.

"So what does Lola have to do with this?"

"She withdrew. All the pain, and suffering, she made it hers and hers alone to endure. Hence the reason you can't contact her. She is protecting you." Hearing that made the dams burst wide open. I cried for the first time since my dad died. I found him hanging in the backyard from a tree. In his note he said he couldn't continue without Mom. Yet, here I am, being protected by my wolf from my mate. I try to get up, but Chace gently pushes me back down. I felt so weak and helpless and i nalever want to feel that again. I don't wanna feel like i need protecting. I want to do the protecting of my wolf, and to do that I have to give that asshole mate a serious piece of my mind.

After he left, I got up and somehow managed to stay steady on my feet. I felt a breeze graze my backside where my hospital gown was left open.

I shivered, but I was a woman on a mission. I saw the phone and told Anya to bring my baby to me. I walked out of my room and over to the counter where a bored manicured nurse sat. She still didn't notice my presence so she must be one of the few humans in town. I continued to the elevator and pressed the down button.

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