Chapter 12

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"Katherin! If you don't hurry up the VanLe sisters will hog all of the handsome gentlemen! Make haste," my sister, Tanya, vehemently whispered from downstairs. I looked in my bedroom mirror and slowly did my golden sunshine hair up, while gazing about my room. It is quiet possible that by the end of the night this will no longer be my room any more.

"I'll be down in a second," I replied then sighed as I took a mental image of my own personal space. In my vanity mirror I could spot the blue and white, lacy silk curtains that were pulled to the corners of my four poster bed. I had handmade the white with blue rose quilt setting atop my bed and a small rush of pride filled my chest as well as a little sadness that I will no longer have use of it in my marriage bed. I blush fervently at the thought of what would happen in said bed and rapidly tried to focus on something else.  

The walls were also white but since mama could not stand the monotonous color she had nagged my father until he had put up a wallpaper which was white with golden spider lilies and leaves. Mama was begrudgingly pleased to have something other than the plain white. On my night stand sat my favorite hairpin, which was just like the design on the walls, a golden spider lily. I walked toward it and placed it into my hair as the finishing touch then I left out to meet up with my dear sister.

I was in no hurry to get down the stairs, but once I did I thought I would, at least, be told that I looked decent if not handsome, but no. Alas, all I recieved was a sigh upon my sisters lips and an exclamation of  "Filnally." Tanya had disappeared to her room to fix up her hair again so I sat on the sofa and looked around the room for possibly the last time before I am mated.

The maroon walls were framed with cream outlinings. In the center of the east wall where the entrances were stood a large fireplace and above it the family portrait. The burgandy curtainsframed the winows on the wet wall nicely. On many occasions, I had sat on the cream colored widow seats just to look out over the gardens and forest or just to read a book. It was my favorite place to comtemplate and now I have to find a new one. I was starting to feel a little hesistant about this whole mating business.

"Kat, guess what Frankie just told me," Tanya mindlinked me. "The alphass, betas and gammas are coming to the ball! Can you imagine if one of us were to be the mate of an alpha?Oh just think of the faces the VanLe sisters would make if they were stuck with a beta or gamma and we got an alpha for a mate! I'm going to have to redo my hair again." I chuckled to myself.

"Tanya, if you don't hurry the VanLe sisters will hog all the aplhas, betas, gammas and handsome gentlemen," I teasingly mimicked her tone from earlier.

"Don't mock me Kat," she yelled indignantly.

"Mock you? Me? I wouldn't dare mock the great Tanya DeVan," I teased.

"Katherin DeVan you are mocking me!" I simply chuckled and then stood immediately after the maid annouced my mother and father's arrival.

"Mama, Papa," I curtsy and bow my head slightly then I sit after my parents have seated themselves first.

"It's heartbreaking that just a few months ago you had your first change, and it only seemed like yesterday you were a small pup," Papa sighed deeply, not at all masking his distress over the situation. " Now you're headed off to the Lunar Ball to find you're mate. Where did the time time go my sweet."

"Dear, do not be so glum on such a joyous occasion. The girls can handle themselves, because you taught them well," Mama chimed in.

"I trust my girls, Margaret, it is those male pups I don't trust. A human male would lie and scheme to get a girl alone, but a werewolf is ten times the worser. He'd try everything to charm the girls into his bed, and where would that leave them if they weren't mates?"

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