73. Worse

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  "Shit, Chaz this- this is bad, really bad. Kiera!? Kiera? Baby? Come on! Please!"  

Kiera's POV

*Next Day*

"Are you sure baby? It's no big deal, it's not too late for me to reschedule. I don't mind." Justin asks, hovering by the bedside anxiously.

"Just go Jay. I'm sure. I'm okay." I say softly, whimpering in pain lightly after finishing my sentence. My head was fucking pounding like a jack hammer and I hurt all over. Plus I still was throwing up. I pretty much couldn't keep any food down, at least for long. I was miserable to say the least.

"Are you sure?" He frets, looking worried and a bit panicked at the thought of leaving me.

"I'm sure Jay. Ryan and Chaz will take care of me. Please go. You'll be late." I urge, pushing his chest weakly.

"But-" He protests, his hand caressing the side of my face.

"No. Go Justin. You- you'll do great. Please, for me." I say, pouting lightly.

"Okay baby." He finally sighs, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

"I'll see you later tonight. Good lucky Jay. Blow them away." I say encouragingly, giving him a small smile.

"Thanks baby. I love you. Promise me you'll stay in bed and rest and let the guys take care of you?" He asks, the stressed and worried emotions still not leaving his expression.

"I promise Jay. I love you too." I reassure, reaching a hand up to touch his face calmingly.

"Okay baby." He finally says, closing his eyes briefly before opening them again to stare at me adoringly.

"Take care of her yeah? And call me if something happens." He says anxiously to the guys.

"Of course. We'll take care of her. See you after. Good luck man." Ryan says, nodding to Justin.

"Thanks." Justin replies, shooting them a light smile before leaning down to press a kiss to my forehead one last time before disappearing out of the room.

Smiling at the last few exchanges between the guys, I barely notice Ryan and Chaz until they are on either side of me, cuddling me between them, Ryan playing with my hair while Chaz nuzzles his face into my shoulder. You could almost say that they guys were friends again. They didn't fight at all and could actually carry on civil conversations, even conversations that weren't about me, which needless to say, made me very happy.

"Kiera do you need anything?" Ryan asks, looking at me attentively.

"No. I'm tired." I say a bit grumpy, rolling over to rest my head on Ryan's chest, my legs tangled up with Chaz's.

"Okay. Just go to sleep then baby. We'll be right here." Ryan sooths, his hand gently rubbing along my side.

"Mmmkay." I mumble, closing my eyes contently, just hoping that I could actually sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

Being awakened only a few short hours later by a sharp pain in my stomach, I quickly struggle to untangle myself from my cocoon of blankets and stumble out of bed and into the bathroom clutching my stomach.

"Ugh." I groan, resting my head on the toilet rim after throwing up yet again. So much for getting better and waking up feeling refreshed. This freaking sucked.

"Do you want some water baby girl?" Ryan asks, rubbing my back lightly.

"Yes please." I say nodding weakly.

"Okay." He says kissing my forehead gently before getting up to do what I asked.

"This sucks." I groan again, crunching my knees to my chest as pain shoots through my stomach. I was definitely not getting better any time soon, so much for not having to go to the doctor.

"I know it does sweetie." Chaz coos, rubbing my back lightly.

"Ahh. Owe!" I say, clutching my stomach as the most excruciating pain shoots through me, doubling me over on the floor.

"Kiera?" Ryan asks worriedly, rushing to my side as him and Chaz hover over me.

"It- it hurts!" I cry, tears gathering behind my eyes as the pain continues full force.

"Shhh I know, I know baby. I wish we could take it away." Ryan coos, pulling me into his chest.

"Wh- what!? Ry- Chaz- something- something is wrong. It- it h- hurts! Owe!!!" I gasp out, grabbing Ryan's arm tightly as I see blood trickle down my leg and more extreme pain shoots through me making me gasp for air and see black spots in my vision.

"Kiera?" Chaz asks, his voice getting a bit panicky.

"Shit, Chaz this- this is bad, really bad. Kiera!? Kiera? Baby? Come on! Please!" Ryan calls, his voice fading in and out of my consciousness.

"No- no guys. I- I- I'm okay. I just- just- I- I sleep pl- please. I- I need sleep. Th- th- that's all." I try to say to them, only to feel pain shoot through me again and darkness begin to creep back in.

"Chaz call 911."

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