Chapter XII: "Lessons"

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"Miss Pevensie! Is there a reason why you consider drifting away to the marvelous world of your dreams to be more important than your current class?"

Bridget's eyes immediately snapped open as she heard her name being called by that high-pitched, demanding voice. She had fallen asleep on her desk and quickly sat down straight, glancing up at Mrs. Hathaway. The older woman was standing in front of her, sternly looking down at her through her oval-shaped glasses.

"Mrs. Hathaway, I'm so-"

"Sleepy, apparently, to be able to remain conscious during my class" the teacher interrupted her, her words like a whip. "I wouldn't be surprised if you fail the test next week, Miss Pevensie."

All her classmates were staring at Bridget and the teacher without making a single noise. After all, she wasn't the only student who feared old Mrs. Hathaway's temper. The girl was sure the devil himself would run away filled with terror from that viper temper of hers.

"It is a shame you are not more like your mother. I must say Susan Pevensie was one of Saint Finbar's best students. One of my best students, I might add. Oh, what marvelous times were those" her teacher added, with a sigh that Bridget could only describe as too dramatic "When girls in this school really put some effort to achieve something. But then again, for some to succeed others must fail."

Bridget hated the look the teacher gave her as she said 'fail'. Even though Mrs. Hathaway no longer was talking directly to her, she knew that final word had been meant just for her. Her pride stung, but the girl remained quiet. There was nothing she could say to the teacher, since the woman was an authoritative figure very much above her.

Everyone in Saint Finbar's school for ladies knew what an example of perfection Susan Pevensie had been back when she attended that school years ago. For Bridget it was hard to live under her shadow, there was no escaping to being compared to her mother's academic record. The annoying part was that she was in fact a great student as well! Unfortunately for her, it was hard to prove that to Mrs. Hathaway, since Bee didn't inherit her mother's knack for arithmetic.

The elderly professor made her way back to her desk before turning to face the class again. "Luckily for Miss Pevensie and any other of you girls who feel quite unprepared for next week's test, there will be tutoring this Saturday. The nice boys from Hendon House will join Jane and some other girls from the next grade to assist any of you who might need a little extra studying."

Bridget let out a quiet sigh. Jane Prichard was a year older than her and quite honestly someone she could barely stand. She was a selfish, self-centered girl who took every chance she had to be the centre of attention, especially when the boy of Hendon House were anywhere near her. She had to admit, though, Jane was indeed very good in arithmetic. That didn't take away from the fact that she was a real pain.

So it appeared her Saturday was going to be a nice reunion with the twin school, Hendon House for boys, along with Jane and her minions to study bloody arithmetic.

What a dream. Just my idea for a perfect weekend...

Saturday came and she was stuck in a classroom with a boy named Jared, an unbearable know-it-all, who took every chance he had to have small-talk with Bridget in between exercises. It ultimately led to him asking her for a date.

She had dealt with Jared many times before and it was the same repetitive story over and over again: He liked her, she couldn't stand his ego and he always ended up asking to go out with her. That boy just wouldn't give up! They both took the same train in the mornings to go to school because Saint Finbar's was just across the road from Hendon House. That was the main reason they saw so much of each other, more often that Bridget would have liked. There was nothing she could do, though. She had said 'no' countless times to him, but it appeared Jared wouldn't take that for an answer.

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