Chapter XIII: "Farewell"

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The moon was still high in the sky when the prince walked out of his chambers. He was as silent as his feet allowed him, and he put special effort in not making a sound as he closed the thick wooden door. Fevian was particularly careful as he walked before his parents' room, tiptoeing and holding his sheathed sword very tight against him. If it clanked against the quarry wall or marble the floor it would be the kiss of death. Fevian knew the sound of it would surely wake up his parents. Or at least just his mother, who was an incredible light sleeper. Just that simple clank and in just a few seconds Fevian would have the queen raging in front of him, upset because he had disobeyed his parents orders. Again.

The king and the queen were reluctant to let their son leave with Bridget when he told them he planned to do so. Queen Alva was outraged that her son intended to depart with the foreign girl just after he got engaged to be married with Lady Isicara. It was a scandalous thing to do according to her.

"What does this have to do with Cara, Mother?" had been the prince's reply, working on swaying his parents from their steadfast decision.

"It has everything to do with it, Fevian! You just announced at the ball that you would marry her and now you want to run off with that girl!"

"My dear, do calm down. Let the boy explain his reasons" King Tavian spoke, taking his wife's hand and giving her a gentle smile. It did little to ease the queen's discontent, but at least Queen Alva allowed her son the opportunity to explain himself.

Fevian was thankful for his father's ability to calm down his mother. It appeared that just seconds ago the queen wanted to cut off his head and now she was slightly more at ease, but not entirely.

"I made a promise to help Bridget return home" the prince began, wishing to appeal to his parents' sense of keeping one's word when promising something.

"Is that so?" Queen Alva said with disdain, not bothering to even mask it.

"Yes, I gave her my word and I intend to keep it" her son answered with a stern tone.

"My boy, you are aware that you cannot leave immediately. You also gave Isicara your word" King Tavian spoke in a much more composed manner than his wife, but the severity in his tone was the same as his wife's.

"I know, Father."

"As long as Isicara or her family stay in Cair Paravel, you will not leave. Once they go we will speak of this matter again."

"Yes, Father. Thank you"

The prince had been hopeful for when the next time to discuss the matter came. Fevian's wishful thinking had been that his mother and father would think it through and then grant him the permission he was seeking. Expectations and reality rarely go hand in hand, and when the time came to talk about it, both monarchs gave a resounding 'no' to their son.

Their negative reply did little to stop the prince from secretly packing up some provisions for the journey and make plans with Bridget to leave Cair Paravel before sunrise.

Fevian descended the stairs that led him to the stables where he readied both horses he and Bridget would take: his strong black stallion, and a brown mare. He strapped the bag he had to his mount as well as the sheath with his sword. The prince tightened the reins and the seats. Both horses were ready to ride. All that was left to do was wait for Bridget to show up.

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After Bridget finished readying herself for the journey she immediately went straight to the kitchen to take some provisions to put in her satchel along with the change of clothes she had already packed. She was surprised to find her Archelander friend there even though it was still very early in the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2015 ⏰

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