Chapter 19

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*Louis' POV* (before Tori and Niall enter Harry's room)

This morning I woke up to go get some breakfast with El. I was dreading it.

Lately, I have been thinking about me and Tori. I have also realized that I let that opportunity slip away while I had a chance.

Even though she hates my guts, I love her. Wait, did I just admit I love her? I just shake my head then go get ready for the day.

I put on a pair of tight jeans with a t-shirt then pull on a beanie to tame my bed head.

I pull out my iPhone then receive a text from El saying she is leaving now. So I left as well.

On the drive over, it made me realize to even start to win back Tori I will need to break it off with Eleanor. I pull in then meet up with her out front of Starbucks.

She pulls me in for a huge hug,"Hey babe."

I respond with a "Hello love"

We went inside to order then sat at our regular table sipping our overly priced and sugar filled drinks.

"So El, I have been thinking and-"

She crosses her arms over her chest, "I know your going to break up with me."

"How did you know?" I look at her puzzled.

"Ever since Tori came into the picture again you have been acting wierd and drifting apart. Honestly I'm happy."

I pull her in for a hug,"Thank you for understanding."

I walk out and drive over to the hospital. After I dumped Eleanor, I had to go see Harry.

I got there then explained how I was feeling and how I broke up with Eleanor.

"Dude, if you love her then you need to not be a douche."

I sigh,"I know but I am always a douche to attractive women.."

"I know you are", he chuckles,"But this time you better step up your game if you want her because here she comes with Niall."

I turn around to make direct eye contact with Niall wheeling Tori in. They both have this fire in there eyes when looking at me. Their focus turns from me to Harry then their expressions soften.

"How you doin Haz?", she asks.

"Eh I have definetly been better. When do you get out of here?"

She smiles beautifully,"I just got checked out but I just had to see you first."

I just sit there awkwardly listening to them talk. The nurse comes in to inform us that visiting hours are now over and we all need to leave.

We walk out into the parking lot together with a awkward silence falling between the three of us.

"So how has it been guys?"

They both just ignore me as we make our way to the elevator. Once we all file into the elevator with some stranger, we began to descend to the ground floor.

Suddenly, the lights begin to flicker then the elevator gets stuck.


I figured I might as well change out the point of view. Don't forget to vote and chiz


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