Chapter 22

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Sorry I have been shitty about updating.. I feel terrible. Sowwy guise. Life happens. But here is the long sought out chapter 22! And thanks for all of you who impatiently waited for me(:


*Tori's POV*

I woke up to the sound of the elevator rumbling back to life. I wiped te sleep out of my eyes and pulled my face up from Niall's lap.

Once the elevator stopped we were greeted with some firemen. They examined all of us to make sure we didn't have any injures.

They checked me first an I wa perfectly fine then they went on to Louis. After he was finished, he came up and offered to take me home so we could also talk about some things. I said sure and started walking with him to his car. I waved goodbye to Niall.

He waved back and weakly smiled as they were still examining him. He seemed upset about something but I shook it off and turned back around to get into Louis car.

I get in the passenger side and buckle up as Louis starts the car.

There wa an awkward silence so I decided to break it, "Sooo you wanted to talk?"

"Yea we do," he replied, "but not here, once we get back to the house."

I just nodded and looked out my window impatiently waiting for this ride to be over so Louis can say whatever he wants to say. I just hope it doesn't end in another fight.

Soon we pull into the driveway and Louis runs around to open the door for me. We enter the empty house and take a seat on the floral sofa in the sitting room.

"Tori, first I would like to apologize for my girl-, well now ex-girlfriend Eleanor. I didn't know she was coming but most of all I want you to know that things are over with her. I have no feelings for her anymore."

I look him in those deep ocean blue eyes and smile, "Really?"

He returns a smile and grabs both my hands, "Really. I have feelings for you and only you. I don't want to be with any other girl but you. Honestly, I think I am in love with you. The fact you are carrying our children just makes me love you so much more."

My eyes begin to tear up with joy and one escapes my left eye. Louis takes one of his hands out of mine and wipes it away with his thumb then carresses my cheek.

"I think I love you too Louis." I finally reply.

Then he leans in and our lips meet. It isn't one of those needy kisses, it's one of those sweet kisses that just melt your insides that you never want to end.

It only lasts a few seconds but it feel like a lifetime. Suddenly, I begin to feel a pain down in my lower region so I groan in agony. I look down and see a pool of liquid forming on the crotch of my pants.

Louis looks down, "What the hell? Did you piss yourself or did your water just break?"

I give him the 'bitch please' look, "I think my water broke." Louis scoops me up and back into the car we go.

Louis sets me in the passenger seat and he rushes to the drivers side to start the car. As he pulls out I buckle my seat then just shake my head, "We just can't stay away from the god forsaken hospital can we?"

Then I'm greeted with another, but more painful, contraction. I clutch my stomach and scream out in pain hoping we arrive there soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2013 ⏰

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