Chapter 1: A Visit

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Life could be so simple. If she could just spend the rest of her days in the simplicity she was experiencing now, everything would be okay.

But Dani Janeway was still a young woman with more days ahead than behind. Even though she wanted to, there was no way she could convince herself that she'd be happy just doing nothing. That was unreal.

No. She had to make sure her time here on Earth, in Indiana, in her family's house, was temporary. A vacation. Even if she didn't end up going back to Starfleet.

Dani's first few years in Starfleet had definitely not gone as she'd expected. She'd known a life in the 'Fleet would involve danger and risk, but she'd assumed that she would just experience her share, like everyone else, and go on with her life. But it seemed that things had been different for Janeway the moment she'd become an Ensign. She'd set foot on Deep Space Nine, and who was one of the first people she'd befriended? Tora Ziyal - Dukat's daughter. What had happened next? She'd become romantically involved with Dukat.

Things hadn't gotten any better by the time she'd transferred to the Enterprise. She couldn't just go to the Enterprise and lead a normal life. No ... her first night, who shows up? Q - and his son. Throw in a couple of covert missions, the rescue of a Federation dignitary from a Cardassian prison, and a reunion with a not-so-dead Dukat, and it all equaled up to a very active beginning of a Starfleet career.

Dani was tired. Burned out emotionally. She didn't want to do it anymore. She'd experienced more pain in the last three years than she had in all of her life prior to that. And she didn't have anything to show for it. Nothing at all.

Was it worth it? Where would this kind of life lead for her? Where would she be in 20 years? She had no doubt that she would be able to move up the ranks and eventually take her own command one day, but what about her personal life? Family? Would she end up alone?

Dani sighed. It was nearly 4:00 in the morning, and she was no closer to sleep than she had been at 10:00 the previous evening. Her eyes fluttered open when a flash of light appeared in her dark bedroom.

"Cousin," a shadowed voice said. "Did I wake you?"

Instantly, Dani knew who was in her room. It was her 'cousin', Q.

Dani sat up in her bed. "No, Q," she said, replying to his question. "Actually, I hadn't had the chance to doze off, yet."

Q stepped closer to the bed. "Computer - lights," Dani called. She looked at Q. "You've changed your appearance." His hair, which had been short and closely cropped the last time she'd seen him, was now longer and shaggier.

"Yes," Q concurred. "I've been experimenting with some new styles. What do you think?"

Dani looked him over. For the first time since she'd first met him, he wasn't wearing a Starfleet uniform. He was dressed simply, in a pair of jeans and a button-down shirt. She nodded. "It works for you."

"Better than a Starfleet uniform?" Q asked.

Dani grinned. "Much." Q smiled and nodded. "So, is something wrong, or is this just a visit?" Dani asked, getting out of bed. She padded over to the replicator and ordered a raktijino. "You want something?"

Q shook his head. "No thanks. I never really got the hang of that whole eating thing."

Dani nodded, retrieving her drink from the replicator bay and walking over to a chair, in which she sat, curling her legs under her. Q sat on the bed. "So, is something wrong?" Dani repeated her question.

"Actually, yes," Q said.

Dani took a sip from her mug. "What is it? I mean, I don't know if I can help you or not, but I'll do what I can."

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