Done With You

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I was having a great time at the wedding. Life couldn't get any better. Demi and I were together and I was so happy. I finished dancing with Mikey and I looked around for Demi. I accidentally bumped into Nick.

"Hey Nick, have you seen Demi? I need to tell her how our dance went.." I scratched my head. Nick looked a bit nervous. "She told me that she wasn't feeling she went back to the hotel." I wanted to leave and be with her, but I was having fun at the wedding.

I stayed for the cut of the cake and the throw of the garter and bouquet. The wedding ended around 10 o'clock. I was ready to head back and see Demi.

"See you guys tomorrow." I headed up to my hotel when we got there.

I opened the hotel door, "Baby, I'm back. Nick told me you didn't feel good." I turned on the light. She wasn't here. "Babe?" I saw a note on her bed. I picked it up.

"SCREW YOU. STAY AWAY FROM ME." I dropped the note. I had many things that were going through my mind. What did I do? Then Nick hit me. I saw her talking to Nick. My blood boiled. I unlocked the door that was connected to my brothers' room and swung it open. "Hey br-"

I pushed him against the wall, "WHAT DID YOU TELL HER?" I stared him right in the eye.

"What are you talking ab--"


I saw him gulp, "She had to know, Joe.." even when I thought I couldn't get even madder. I was furious. "You're a fucking asshole,Nick. I loved her, I was going to tell her, and now I can't because it's over. She won't let me talk to her. You always have to ruin my relationships. SHE DOESN'T LOVE YOU,NICK. SHE LOVED ME."

"I could make her love me, Nick. I look like a better person now than you are in her eyes. How long have you guys been dating?"

I swallowed hard, "At least two months."

"I may have slept with Olivia while I was with her, but I never killed her parents and drugged her. Don't you have any regret when you look at her daughter? I would."

I got super mad, "You don't know the whole story," My anger got built up so I punched in him the face, "I quit. I'm done with you. I'm done being your brother. I'm done working with you. I'm done with the company. If you knew how much she meant to me, you would notice I was a better person. I'm going home. I'm going to try to talk to her." I punched him one more time before I went to my room. I quickly changed to comfortable clothes and packed my things. I rushed out of the hotel and got a cab to the airport for my private plane.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jonas, but it looks like your plane already took off an hour ago." the ticket agent looked up at me. Damn, she took my plane. "Well, let me get on my brothers' plane. They don't mind."

The guy sighed and typed something in the computer, "The plane is ready for you."

I headed over to the plane. "Home,please." I told the attendant. I sat down in my seat. I kept thinking about Demi and the wonderful time we had on the plane coming here.

6 hours later, it was 1:30 in the morning. I didn't care what time it was, I needed to talk to Demi. I got in my car once I got to the airport and drove to Demi's house.

No lights were on, so I knew everyone was sleeping. I decided to ring the doorbell. I saw one light come on, it wasn't Demi's. I waited for a minute.

"You better have a good explanation on why you knocked." Selena opened the door.

"Sorry to wake you, but I want to know if Demi is there. I need to talk to her."

Selena scratched her head, "I thought you guys were in together for that wedding. You guys okay?"

I sighed, Demi wasn't home. "We're fine...when you see her, tell her I need to talk to her..Sorry I woke you up." I sighed once again as I headed to my car. I drove home,thinking about where Demi could be.


I went back to Texas. I haven't been here in exactly 6 years. It was weird. I don't know why I came back. I was mixed up. Joe killed my family. He acted so cool when I told him. He played me. He lied to me. I couldn't deal with him or deal with LA. Well, I really don't want to ever see him again. That's what I'm exactly going to do.

I got a hotel in Dallas Texas for the night.

The next morning I woke up with nausea. I quickly got up and ran to the toilet to throw up. It then hit me, I could be pregnant. I checked the date on my phone and I was at least a few weeks late. I didn't realize it. "Shit,shit,shit." I sighed,washing my hands.

I heard my phone ring. I picked it up and it was a text from Nick, "Hey, are you okay?" I sighed since it was now or never. I dialled up Nick.

"Hello?' Nick answered.

"Hey, Nick..I got something I need to tell you." I sat down on my bed, twisting my hair. I didn't want to do this, but I had to. "Okay, what is it.."

"I'm going to have to quit the company...I can't do it. I can't work for him. I'm sorry. Goodbye." I hung up. I got myself ready to go to a walk in clinic.

I grabbed my purse and found a clinic close by.

"Hello may I help you?" the lady at the desk asked me, she wasn't really pleasant. " to see if I'm preg...pregnant..Can you guys do that here? I don't really trust home pregnancy tests.."

"Of course we do. Just fill out this paper and we're call you." I grabbed the clipboard and headed to a seat. I started filling out the information.

"Demi, please talk to me. We need to talk.: Joe texted me. I immediately turned off my phone. I finished with the sheets, so I turned them in.

I was called in about 10 minutes later. The doctor gave me a cup to pee in and gave me a blood test. I did that quickly so I could find out the results. I was laying on the bed in a room, thinking. A part of me wanted to get rid of this baby, if I was pregnant. I couldn't do that. That would be like me killing Marley. I'm going to have this baby, but possibly give it up for adoption. I couldn't take care of that baby.

"Well," the doctor walked in, "you are definitely pregnant." I sighed.

"I'm going to write a prescription for you to get your folic acid. Take this during your first trimester. Also take some Vitamin D everyday."

I nodded my head, "This isn't my first pregnancy,doctor.." I took the prescription from him. I remember I had some alcohol last night.

"Wait, Is the baby okay? I was at a wedding last night...and I had some alcohol.."

"Mostly it doesn't affect the baby in the early term, you're about 4 weeks, so your baby should be alright. I recommend you find a GYN for your future check ups."

"I know, thank you doctor." I got off the bed. I walked out of the clinic and got in the car that I rented. I went to a grocery store to buy some vitamins that the doctor recommended. I also went to get some bouquet of flowers.

I drove over to my parent's cemetery.

I put the flowers over their grave. "I miss you guys so much...I wish you were here to see your beautiful granddaughter. I know you didn't approve at first, but you would love her...I'm sorry for what happened...I'm not the best daughter you had...definitely now since I dated your killer and having his baby.." I sighed, "I wish you guys would have showed me a sign that he was a bad person.." I stared at their template.

"Funny thing was...I fell in love with him..." I grinned, "but that doesn't exist anymore. I love you guys and I miss you...I wish to see you again, but I haven't done great in life...I'll be going to hell. I think about you guys all the time. If I hadn't gotten pregnant, then I would still be here taking care of you guys."

I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around. I couldn't believe who I see right in front of me. It was now or now.

"Demi.." he smirked.

Already on chapter 44 and  still have many ideas for this book. This might be a long one. I don't feel like making a second one, but that might change.

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