The promise

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Koya point of view
After the mission gareki promise that he will never forget me against will just have to wait and see about that I can't trust him because we haven't seen each other for 10 years I lost his trust I just don't know what to do then the captain came in and saw me stressing.

The captain asked me what was wrong I said to him do you remember when I told you about my lost friend he nodded I continue then when I finished he then told me just see how it goes and take it from there you know what do when the time comes.

I said thank you to the captain but the captain left then the rest of the gang came in and told me that we had a anther mission I said ok and then we left I had nai in my arms because nai can't fly neither can gareki so we help them to get down to the floor.

Yogi said that we had to go into pairs of two and gareki choose mess me and gareki started walking then we heard a noise then all of sudden it came out gareki got out his gun and started shooting I did my tricks and then the monster was dead but more monsters came out of that monster.

It was getting harder by the minute but we finally got though it I was getting tired I turn around but I didn't see gareki I looked down and saw him I picked him up and took him back to the ship and went Saigon to the doctor I waited for the doctor to finished it was late at night but I don't care.

Nai was sitting next to me I keep on telling him to go to bed but he keeps saying no I want to say here with you and to see gareki we waited more but nai fell asleep so I picked him up and took him to his room I placed him down gently.

Then I walked back but yogi asked me to go to bed but I said no it's ok yogi said ok then but I'm going to ask the captain if we can have the day off I said ok and then I (yawned) and I sat down back in my chair and my eyes were closing I tried to st them but thenI fell asleep.

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