How to Win Contests

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You've seen those really lucky people right? The ones who win all the contests? That could be you! You don't have to be mind blowing, just do your best and read these Tips:

• You have to Stand out: Some clubs get so many entries that they don't take a second glance at ordinary. I know, as a judge of Contests in my clubs, that it's about the wow factor. Sometimes you can add pops of color or something unique to make you stand out. Look at the other entries and choose something totally different from what they're doing. If you aren't impressed with your work, the judges probably won't be either.

• Taking your time in Important: Nobody wants to see a contest entry that looks like it was thrown together. At least make it look like it took a long time. When you fill out forms for the contest sign up sheet always use full sentences and don't make it super short. If you have to make a scenery, try posing your medollIf you can't spend an hour on it, please don't make it look short and fast. I know I'm offended by a lazy contest entry and I'm sure other judges are too.

• Have a good Attitude: Everyone, especially the judges, will be drawn to you if you're super nice, friendly, and supportive of other entries. Always say "Good luck" to everyone and try commenting on some of the other entries. The judges will remember you better and might have a soft spot for the nice person!

• Be Active while the contest is Open: You'll increase your chances of winning if you are active in the club while the contest is open. It will keep you on the judges mind. They'll see your posts and think; "Didn't that person enter my contest? I liked that entry." Keep posting in topics and sceneries. You might even want to post in the judges guestbooks. These are other ways to gain a soft spot with the judge.

• Make sure you're Entering Correctly: Nothing is worse to a judge, then seeing you not following the directions. They might a disapointed and remember your mistake while judging future contests. They will know you didn't take your time to read the directions. If you are unsure, just ask, don't guess. Wasting your time isn't fun, so make sure you enter the contest correctly.

I hope these tips help you, Good luck in future contests! If you want more tips, advice and how tos on this topic and more, visit my Stardoll blog: 

Thank you for reading! :)

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