Miss Stardoll World: Campaign Checklist

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This post is an excerpt from a Stardoll blog.

For more helpful advice, visit: simplye-mazingstuff.blogspot.com

 If you plan on entering MSW 2013, you need to start planning your campaign immediately. It is fast approaching and you don't stand a chance unless you are prepared. If you're choosing to enter, your campaign will need:

• You MUST have a Stunning and Unique Medoll in order to make it far in MSW. Your doll must stand out from the rest. You can make your doll stand out by using Stardesign Jewelry or Hair. Create unique accessories and hats in Stardesign Jewelry or create new poses and wigs for your doll in Stardesign Hair.

• You MUST send Broadcasts in order to even have a chance at winning MSW. Last year the broadcasting tool became so full Stardoll had to close it down, so when MSW opens, send your broadcasts asap. You should be willing to spend hundreds or even thousands of Stardollars. If you're not willing to spend money, you don't stand a chance. It's sad but true.

• You MUST be Friendly and Outgoing in order to get votes, so be super kind to your friends and reply to all your guestbook comments. People should want you to win just as much as you do. Make as many allies as you can who will help your campaign. 

• You MUST put MSW on all your Pages in order to keep people from forgetting you're running for MSW. Present your campaign in your Album, Sceneries, Blog, Suite, Clubs, Presentation, Medoll and more. A person should be able to visit all your pages and see MSW. 

• You MUST be dedicated and Patient in order to win MSW. Be willing to spend hours online campaigning. You will need to be patient when sending broadcasts and advertising in guestbooks. Do not get angry with anyone, because you need every vote you can get. Keep your calm and be your best self.

I wish you good luck in your campaign for Miss Stardoll World. If you follow this checklist, your chances are good. If you have anything to add to this list or you have experience from previous years, please post your advice in the comments! Thank you for Reading! 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2013 ⏰

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