Kate (Intro)

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Introduction [This is just an into. Real story line (with new characters) starts next chapter]

The land of Lyon was great and powerful, were magic and science are one. Lyon is a well-formed country, build on the ruins of warfare, with the need to expand and conquer. Though war is the biggest reason of Lyon's existent, the country expanded in trade, agriculture, and knowledge. These three aspects are one of the many reasons why Lyon grew but none more than Education. Education in Lyon was composed of two basic institute, regular schools (for science and engineering) and magic academies. Out of many magic schools the best magically advance is, Fire Catacombs.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The lush green grass covers all of Lyon with flowers of vibrant colors littering the ground. The land was beautiful... for the most part. On top of the mountain laid the strongest academy for fire mages, the "Fire catacombs".

The academy is actually a repurpose huge castle, completely composing of stone and glass reaching nearly twenty floors. The castle has a huge field (for training), four gigantic towers for ranking offices, and long dorms for students on either side of the school. Though the outside exterior was beautiful with its lovely walls and gates, flowers and trees, and statues of strongest fire mages, the real beauty starts inside.

The high ceilings along with the long corridors gave the academy its castle like feeling. Then as you pass the lovely sculpted pillars and enter the dining room where you're greeted with four long rows of tables made to feed all four classes. The tall open windows bring in bright light of the golden burning sun. The dining hall is not the true beauty of the academy; no it is what the school is named after, "The Golden Fire Catacombs". It so beautiful it can't be expressed in words.


Part 1

The sun managed to shine through the clouds and enter Kate's room. Even though in Lyon the sun was much appreciated, Kate rather not have it shine in her face every morning at five sharp.

Kate, now irritated but awake got out of here simple wooden bed with slow, sluggish movements. Though Kate's room was quickly filled with light the hallways were pitch black. As she moved through the dark hallways her slender, small silhouette could be seen making its way to the field. It seemed like an hour before she reached the large doors of the academy. The huge doors were only illuminated with the small sliver windows next to them. Even in the dark gathering room Kate could see the carving of a royal house's mark, displaced proudly on the door, the Mark of Flames.

At the site of the mark Kate's childish personality overwhelmed until she couldn't stand still any longer. Everyone says that the eyes of a child only see what is visible, but Kate strongly disagrees. As she placed her hands on the door, a strange feeling came to her a feeling that she rarely ever felt. This rare feeling may be common to everyone else, but not Kate. Yes, it was the unmistakable feeling of joy.


The gather hall was now filled with light as well as Kate's heart, as the doors creaked open the feeling of the great outdoors burst into the room. The birds sang a song of short lovely notes as they flew around the courtyard. The sun shined with brilliant rays that evens Kate's abrupt awakening was forgotten. Then the wind, it was a nice strong breeze that flooded the academy, it passed through Kate's long reddish orange hair and made her pigtails and ribbons lift off.

The day was set and now it was Kate's turn to make the best of it.

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