chapter 1: beautiful mistake

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Song for this chapter

Sabrina carpenter - eyes wide open

I keep my eyes wide open

Bless this ground, unbroken

I'm about to make my way.

Haven keep my faith

And my eyes wide open

Sabrina's POV

"Cut", we heard the director screamed, all the cameras that were rolling stopped.

"okay, guys, that's it for today", he screamed again clapping his hands with the live audience.

I ran fingers through my curles with a light smile.

"amazing job carpenter", Rowan said nudging me, "didn't know you had it in you".

"Well, aren't I just full of surprises", I joked with a goofy look.

Instead of giving me one of her smart comebacks, she just laughed.

"lunch?", she asked.

"yes, but let me grab my stuff ".

She nodded and with that I walk away, making my way to the dressing room, but stopped when my eyes caught a pair of green piercing eyes.

There he was looking way more beautiful than ever, let's just say i've had a massive crush on the one and only Peyton Meyer since the first day we met on the set of girl meets world , people say I've lost it, because he's the most rudest person, very possessive at all times, never give a damn about anyone else feelings.

'But man, I have it bad for him, from the moment we met'.

"great job today Peyton", I complemented.

He snarl walking pass me, giving me one of those hateful looks.

"you know, you could say thank you or at least say something, it's rude to ignore your costars", I shouted after him.

Surprisingly he turned around, I held my breath watching him move towards me, he stood above me, making me feel extra small.

"Listen here Blondie, I play Mr. friendly on screen, it's call acting, look it up, but in the real world, I don't, so don't you dare fucking talk to me, or even look at me, because in this reality sweetie", his minty breathe was heated up my hot face.

"we are not even close to being friends", he walked away leaving me standing there like a fool.

'Why do I even put up with his bullshit?, I'm always nice to him, but he just has to he so damn rude at all times'.

"fuck you", I shouted storming off with angry building up in me.

When I enter my dressing room, the first thing I did was ran cold icy water on my face.

Can't he even try to be nice to me?, even if is just on girl meets world set, I just want him to notice me.

After redoing my make up I gather up my things making my way out the dressing room, on my way out, I made sure to say bye to Corey, Daniel, august and Ben.

Me and rowan got in the limo and the driver drove off, not too long the car parked in front of dunkin' donuts, I open my side of the door steeping out and close it behind me.

We eneter the shop finding an empty seat in the back.

"so how's your album coming out?", rowan ask breaking the long silence.

"Great actually, my  fans are so supportive, i couldn't ask for a better fans", I smile brightly.

" that's amazing, you deserver all of it, ever good things that comes your way, you deserve it".

If only she knew how much what she just said meant to me.

"Thank you rowan", I replayed pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

All she did was give me her dizzily smile.

When the waiter came to our table, we give our orders, I order an iced lattle with cream and a pretzel roll chicken sandwich, rowan got iced coffee with chicken bacon sandwich, we talked while eating, share a few embrassing stories, and a few laughs, we even talked about the next episode that was going to be on tomorrow since tomorrow will be Friday, girl meets creativity was going to air on Disney channel, which is a big deal, because not only does it have an important lesson but there's a little lucaya moments, like the fans call it.

I find it absolutely cute how they come up with these cute ship names, being on girl meets world, have not only brought me out from the shadow but I've met so many great people's, I even get to have my sister with me sometimes on the set since she got a part as one of the students, Sarah, who was my real life big sister, my other sister Shannon who was now 21, lives on her own with her boyfriend, Sarah is 18 but still lives with our parents.

After luch me and rowan said our goodbyes, when her limo driver came to pick her up, I got in my limo on my way straight to the hotel.

It only took about an hour before the limo stop in front the hotel, with that I said good night to my limo driver Jason, then slip out of the car walking in the huge beautiful building, I went up to the a middle age women who was at the front desk.

"How may I help you ms?", she asked politely.

"hi, my name is Sabrina carpenter, I made a room service here for a week", I responded leaning my elbow on the wooden desk.

" one second, let me check ", her attention went to the laptop, which was on the highest level of the desk, clicking a few buttons her gaze came back down on me.

"yes, ms carpenter, room 408", she handed me a swap card to open the door.

I thank her then got on the elevator, when I got to my room, I swap in the card, pushing the door open.

My heart rate picked up at who I saw there, the one and only Peyton Meyer, he was putting on a pair of gray shirt.

Oh dear god, why do you always put me in situations like this, even though I knew I was going to regret this moment, I can't help but like it.

Crazy?, right?, I know, but like I said before, I have it bad for him.

When my blue eyes lock with his light green ones that was now in the shades of dark green.

"what the fuck are you doing in here?", he shouted causing me jump in fears.

My lips parted for me to say something, but nothing slip out, my brain was screaming at me to stand my ground, to not let him get the best of me but my mind was completely blink.

'Why does he make me feel like this?, he has way too much control over my body, I do and say crazy things around him, make myself look like a complete dumb fool.

'Jesus Christ, what do I do or say now?, do I run?.

The death glare he was giving me made butterflies erupted in my stomach, my body temperature was heating up, my palms were starting to get sweaty, it was like a volcano exploding in my stomach.

This has to be a some kind of mistake, a huge, beautiful mistake.

Author note

Hey guys, so since my other lucaya fictions are almost ending and I had this story written down for so long, I just couldn't help myself, so I hope you enjoy it, vote and leave your comments.

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