chapter 2 : Company

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song for this chapter

Justin Bieber - company


can we, we keep, keep each other company

maybe we, can be, be each other's company

oh company


peyton p.o.v. 

dear god please make all this a dream, make her just a dream, i can't handle being in the same room with her without losing my shit, i just can't. 

"what the hell are you doing in here!", i found myself ready to roared at her.

"i-i j-ju", i cut her off.

"do you not know how to fucking talk!", and now i was screaming.

"stop screaming at me", she finally spoke up, swallowing, with her pink soft looking lips pressed tightly together. 

"well, maybe if you weren't such a fucking stalker following me everywhere i go, i wouldn't be screaming at you right now", 'god, how can someone so damn beautiful be so damn stupid at the same time'.

"i didn't follow you, i made a room service here too".

"right, sure you did", i laughed thickly, "just stay the fuck away from me", was all i said making my way to the kitchen.

i grab the mug filling it up with water and placed it in the microwave, after it heat up, i fix my tea taking a sip, 'why the hell couldn't this girl just get out of my life?, it's bad enough that i have to spend my whole day with her, and now i have to spend a whole fucking night with her looking at me with those deep blue/gray eyes, and those eyes of her held noting but innocence, innocents i didn't want to mess myself with, i know when i even for one second think of opening up to her, she will screw me over, i will be in too deep and i couldn't handle another heartbreak'.

after i drank my tea, i went to the bathroom, brush my teeth and took my pills, and i was now off to bed, the faster i get to bed, the better it will be, and tomorrow i can get the hell away from the beautiful blonde haired girl in this room with me, i exit the the kitchen, and there she was in my way again.

"move", i demanded.

"pey i", she started saying but i quickly cut her off again.

"don't you fucking call me that!", i roared making her jump in fear, "now, get out of my fucking way".

"what have i ever done to you?, your so curled to me, please tell me what i did wrong, whatever it is, i'm sorry", i swear i could see the tears building up in her beautiful eyes.

'all you did wrong was make me fall for you', my thoughts said, but i couldn't tell her that, i had to do everything in my power to get Sabrina carpenter far away from me as possible.

i ran my cold palms over my face inhaling and blew out an air, "nothing, you did nothing wrong, it's me, not you, just please stay away from me, i'm begging you".

"why?", she questioned.

"just do as i say okay?", i shouted startling her.

 my heart broke when i saw tears rolling down her cheeks, she used her finger tips to whip under her eyes sniffing and with that she walked away without saying a word.

'great, now she thinks you're a huge dick', my inside voice said, did i really care what she thinks of me?, i don't give a single fuck, i could care less what she thought of me, she did what i wanted her to do, but those tears rolling down her cheeks cut through me deeply.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2016 ⏰

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