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I stepped out of the restaurant with the sound of my not-so high heels clicking grating my ears while I took slow, deep breaths. I have to be mature about this.

I felt rejected even though I was the one who called it off. I just have to be mature.

But I was so...so angry.
I picked up the pace, only to stop in the middle on the parking lot when I realized something. Balling my fists, I was tempted to throw my composed act away.

Of course I didn't bring my mini cooper. I thought we'll have a nice dinner and Mr. We-can-work-this-out would take me home.

I was so focused on confronting him, I didn't realize that I still had the same stupid plan for the evening!

Looking around to make sure that nobody was present, I started messing my hair, ruining my carefully made ponytail. This isn't enough to sum up how pissed I feel at this moment.

I was angry, frustrated, but more disappointed.

I know I wasn't attractive enough. Not charming enough. Not Audrey enough.

Be mature about this.

I breathed out as I tried fixing my hair. I was looking for a mirror inside my bag when I heard someone chuckle. I quickly looked around, a hundred scenarios running inside my head.

Holy shiznick.

I saw a little red glow on a dark corner.

Someone was smoking. Then the sound of an engine starting, strangely, there was no light. Motorbikes were supposed to have its headlight on. Unless this person already have plans on getting himself killed tonight.

I squinted my eyes to take a better look, but it was far too dark. Trying to act like I just didn't throw a tantrum in the middle of the lot, I walked away without throwing a backward glance.

I didn't want to take a cab.

The mere thought of someone looking at my face and knowing that I just cried was not something I want right now. Facing people would mean putting the mask back on. Cold Catherine, all alone.

I've been walking for over half an hour now. Not really sure on where I want to go. I felt like Forest Gump. I don't know why I kept walking. I just wanted to.

People should do that. For once in their miserable life, do something random and not explain themselves.

I stopped to rest my legs for a few minutes. My feet hurt. Taking off my heels, I sat down and placed my hands on my cheeks.

I'm going to get wasted tonight. Maybe that would cloud my mind and let my poor brain relax even for just one night.

Let's see, I always had a checklist.

1.Surprise boyfriend (hah. no.)

2.Have dinner to celebrate (hah. no.)

3. Talk about relationship with boyfriend (not how I expected but yeah.)

[4. Don't let hot sister steal boyfriend]

I just can't help but laugh. That was always on the last of the list.

Well he was the third one. Out of my three boyfriends.

If this was baseball, I would have shouted 'Yeeer out!'

"You should give yourself credit Cat, you survived. Emotionally scarred but you're okay. You make enough money, nobody really hates you." I looked up at the sky. Too dark.

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