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Damon's been MIA since our cake drama a week ago.

Meaning, I've been alone for seven days.

Meaning, the apartment was quiet at seven in the morning.

MEANING! I do not miss him one bit...

Okay I lied.

It's kinda difficult to ignore the fact that I don't get heart attacks whenever I walk in the kitchen and not see him without either his pants or his shirt on anymore. Thank the heavens it hasn't occurred to him to just go on 'Adam-the-first-man' on me yet.

I got up too early and I couldn't go back to sleep even if I tried. Now I know what they meant when they said something about the 'deafening silence'.

Shuffling my way towards the living room, no pants, no mouthwash, no combing, no nothing to make me look decent except my Winnie the Pooh t-shirt and the legendary ladybug lingerie.

What. It's not likely for Damon to come home on a Tuesday. Besides, it's six in the morning.

I looked around. Now where did Damon put the DVD's remote control? Catching a glimpse of something rectangular wedged in between the sofa, I groaned. Sure he was good at cooking, and he washes the dishes most of the time but the man's like a snake. Rubbing my eyes as I leaned to get the remote, I saw one of his shirts carelessly thrown on the armrest that with a little movement would probably fall on the floor. And it did.

Climbing on the sofa and bending over to retrieve it, I saw his shoe under it.

See what I mean?

A snake!

I got up, fully awake now and realized that this place was squeaky clean when I lived here alone.

Now though?

A shoe beside the door, its partner under the coffee table. A towel draped on one of my angel figurines, chips that didn't quite make it to his mouth whenever he watched football and his team was losing.

Smell the masculinity Catherine.


Masculinity stinks.

The only mess I contributed were the heels I tried to wear last week. I can't get myself to touch them okay? They're radioactive. And I was too tired to even consider cleaning up. I was back to my old routine before Damon showed up in my kitchen. Turning towards the DVD player, I hit play and decided to clean this place up before I go to work.

Putting the remote down, I grabbed one of my shoes. I got down on my knees and reached for his shoe under the sofa. Just then the music started playing from the speakers.

I quickly got up and held his shoe as a microphone. You've got to give the man credit. Even his shoe smells like apples.

Nodding my head to the beat, I waited for my queue. Raising my hand that held my high heel:

"I want to break free."

Walking around and picking Damon's mess along the way. If I'm going to be a maid for an hour, might as well make this a musical production. He's not here anyway so that's cool. Wiggling my bum every now and then and the occasional fist-in-the-air.

"I've fallen in love! I've fallen in love for the first time and this time I know it's for reaaal. I've fallen in love."

Throwing his clothes at a chair by the window I picked up the broom. Sliding my way in front of the television. Nobody's stopping me. I'm Beyon- Freddie Mercury.

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