introductions *

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Leigh was elated. She was breathtakingly happy. Her joy spilled out of her body and infected everyone at the bbq joint. Even her brother was smiling through his thick beard and positively lovely to people. She greeted everyone with a blinding smile and took their orders with cheer. She wiped down filthy tables and did crummy dishes all with happiness rolling off of her.

She had totally nailed the interview with Hector days ago and had received a brief email from him earlier today with a 'congratulations!' and files upon files of paperwork attached.

Leigh had gotten the internship! Granted, even through her elated mood, she knew that it would be hard to break it to everyone that she'd be gone for November. But she was confident, at least, in knowing that Michael and Kate would be ecstatic for her once she told them about it.

So when they closed up and walked with Michael to the bar to meet up with Kate, she prepared herself to explain everything to them over drinks.

"I have some good news and some bad news, but really, it's mostly good news!" She couldn't help her perky tone.

"Is this why you were so happy all day?? Honestly, what the hell was that about?" Michael asked and Kate tilted her head, curious but letting Leigh explain.

"The bad news is that I'm going to miss the whole month of November." She watched as their faces turned to shock and confusion, "I have the dignified honor of taking a paid internship doing the coolest shit ever."

"Fucking spill!" Michael yelled, slamming his beer down on the counter, his eyebrows raised and his grin wide.

"I'm going to be spending November in South Africa and Australia. I will be assisting a film crew contracted by the Discovery Channel to film a special on how white sharks hunting differs with location!"

Kate screamed, clapping her hands together and leaping forward, encircling Leigh in her thin arms. Michael did a similar move, raising his fists up and roaring.

She knew that they would understand how much this meant to her. She would be contributing to a cause that was near and dear to her heart while interacting with sharks. Leigh would never have another chance to do this in her life. It was literally a once in a lifetime experience. That is, of course, if she didn't plan on being so amazing that the crew would be forced to ask her to sign on with them. But those were plans for the future. Right now, she was set on celebrating.

"I am so happy for you!" Michael yelled, throwing his arm around her neck and shouting to the rest of the bar, "My baby sister is going to be fucking swimming with sharks, you motherfuckers!"

A couple of patrons cheered and the bartender came over with one of his eyebrows raised.

"You watch shark week, punk?" Michael pointed at him and the guy nodded, still confused.

"My baby sister is going to fucking filming great white sharks for shark week!" He added and the bartender's eyes widened and he nodded, looking impressed. Kate continued clapping, her eyes watery and her smile still huge.

"I am so excited for you, Leigh." Kate said, looking like she was going to cry.

Leigh smiled bashfully, too proud and pleased by their reactions to mention that Jason had helped her land the internship. She absorbed their praise and floated on a balloon of joy. That is, until Kate asked her how Anthony reacted.

"Well, I haven't told him yet."


"In my defense, I only found out this morning."

"Are you... going to tell him?" Michael asked, concerned.

"Yeah, of course. I'm seeing him tomorrow at that cook out. Anyway, what's the big deal? This is huge for me."

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