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Stiles Stilinski.

A rather unusual name but most knew it belonged to that one sarcastic skinny kid.

Stiles didn't have much of a reputation. He was funny sometimes but that was it, and Stiles was happy with that.

He had a decent friend group. His best friend, Scott Mcall. (Who, unfortunately came with a girlfriend named Allison Argent.) There wasn't anything wrong with Allison except the fact that she was always 'stealing' Scott from Stiles.

Allison also belonged to a family of werewolf hunters and Scott just so happens to be a werewolf. Stiles has brought this up numerous times but the couple seems to think that isn't an issue.

Scott is not the only supernatural in Stiles' friend group or 'pack'. There's Lydia, who Stiles used to have a huge thing for but she never noticed him. She did finally give him some attention and they became friends but shortly after he lost his attraction for her and came out as bisexual but his friend still seem to think he is into her and bug him about 'Stydia'.

Then Derek. Stiles and Derek have a weird relationship. They seem to hate each other yet at the same time they seem to be struggling to not rip each others clothes off.

Isaac is pretty normal and he lives with Scott since his dad died. That, brings us to Jackson.

Jackson is a little shit. He's cocky, rich, Lydia's boyfriend, and a werewolf. He used to uncontrollably turn into a lizard monster called the 'Kanima' and try to kill us but that's another story.

Peter is also quite a shit. He's Derek's creepy ass, V-neck wearing, weirdly handsome for his age, uncle. He is almost as sarcastic Stiles but he enjoys to make people upset. He is the werewolf that bit Scott.

Erica and Boyd are last in the group. They claim to be 'just friends' but most of the pack assumes they have a thing. Erica is a mega bitch with a nice side and Boyd is the silent type. You could replace Boyd with a pet rock half the time.

Stiles was the only human in the group and though he didn't like being the 'damsel in distress' he was quite happy with his situation an had no desire to become apart of the supernatural.

It was the end of school and Stiles was heading to a pack meeting at the Hale House. He turned the key in his jeep and waited for his baby to purr to life.

As he exited the school parking lot and drove down the highway he sighed. "Damn, I love this jeep."

Stiles arrived at the house and several cars were already there. He added his jeep to the selection of vehicles and entered the house.

"Never fear, Stiles is here!" He shouted as he opened the door. He was instantly greeted with Derek's tight grip around his shirt collar.

"Can you please not be loud? Just this once?" Derek snarled but also sounded like he was whining..as if he were in pain.

Stiles then noticed Dr.Deaton was still in a chair at the table with some papers. "Sorry Stiles, Derek is experiencing some extreme pains including headaches." He explained.

"Why?" Stiles asked, trying not to stare at Derek's lips for too long since the older boy was still so close.

"You know..supernatural things." Deaton dismissed Stiles' question. This was not normal. Deaton always answered in detail. Obviously Derek didn't want someone to know something.

Derek cleared his throat. "I guess this meeting is off because it was only supposed to be with the supernatural." He growled trough gritted teeth and glared at Scott who had invited Stiles.

"Jesus, Derek I can take a hint. Continue your werewolf fapping fest." Stiles chuckled and left the house.

Derek turned to Scott. "You didn't invite Jackson or Lydia either?" He checked. Scott shook his head and Derek sighed. "She'd kill me if she knew what my wolf felt for Stiles. She's in love with the kid!" He thought aloud.

"She really shouldn't be upset. Your wolf chooses your mate without your permission. You just feel something scream 'mate' when you see that one person." Deaton spoke calmly.

"Yeah well, people often don't do things just because they shouldn't." Derek hissed.

"I'm sure it will be fine. I mean, she can't kill you. The worst she can do is plot some incredible scheme to make Stiles hate you." Isaac offered.

"That's why this stays between werewolves only...unless they are Jackson."

The pack nodded and Erica smiled. "It will be so fun to set you and Stiles up! I can see it now: Diles!" She clapped at how she paired their names together.

Boyd finally opened his mouth. "No, no, no. Diles is stupid. If anything we're calling them Sterek."

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