The Boy at the Window

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It was an unusually bright and sunny day. The sun beating down through the clouds. The sky washed in the thin white haze. The world seemed unusually beautiful as Rick Grimes stared out the window and loaded his handgun with six bullets. The streets of Alexandria were quiet, people were too scared to leave their homes after seeing what Rick did. Executing Pete right in front of everyone left the whole town in a state of shock. Rick couldn't stop thinking about what he had done either just three days before, he hadn't slept since. Meeting Morgan after such a long time, he felt like his life had come full circle. A never-ending circle of misery and pain that was tearing his life apart. He just hoped he wouldn't lose anyone else before it was all over.

Deep in thought, Rick bowed his head, closed his eyes and prayed. He prayed for Carl. He prayed for Judith. He prayed for Jessie. He prayed for a better life. This place, Alexandria, was perfect and he just had to keep it safe and he would keep it safe at any cost. Just ask Pete what happens when you cross him.

Rick was snapped out of his brief reverie when he caught the refection of Jessie in the mirror. Jessie had forgiven him for killing Pete. It was what she wanted too deep down and it took someone with Rick's ruthlessness to finally put an end to Pete's tyranny.

Jessie approached him slowly. She had forgiven him but was still cautious. He was like a wild, untamed beast who could go off at any moment. Still she needed him. She trusted him to keep her safe. She pressed herself up against him encircling her arms around his waist resting her cheek on the back of his shoulder.

"Are you ok, Rick?" "I'm fine. Just thinking what I can do to make this place safer. There are people out there, lots of them, who will try and take this place. We have to be ready."

"Don't worry Rick. We'll make it together."

"Jessie," he said pulling away from her embrace. "We should worry. You haven't been out there. You don't know what I've seen. There are people, terrible people who do terrible things. We met a group who tried to eat us. They lured us to their community and tried to eat us." Rick started to raise his voice and Jessie backed up. "Can you see why I don't trust this community, Jessie?"

Tears welled up in Jessie's eyes. "I understand." she said almost shaking. "I understand the things you have to do now. I will never question your judgement again. You were right to kill Pete. He was out of control."

Jessie hugged Rick again and this time Rick reciprocated wrapping his muscular arms around her slender body. A warmth ran through his spine. He had forgotten this feeling. This feeling of love. It had been so long since Lori. He wanted it more than anything else in the world. Jessie stood on tip toes and then put her lips to Rick's ear and whispered: "I love you."

"I love you, too." he whispered back running his fingers through her long, blonde hair.

The front door opened suddenly and Carl burst through wearing a blue denim jacket and Rick's sheriff hat.

He noticed that Rick and Jessie were sharing quite an intimate moment.

"Hey dad. Sorry, hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Rick and Jessie released their hug and stepped aside slightly embarrassed as if they were kids caught in the act.

"No, no, you're not interrupting." said Rick coughing and blushing a little. "Where's Judith?"

"Aaron and Eric are looking after her."

"Aaron and Eric?" said Rick as if Carl had just mentioned the devil himself.

"Yeah I was looking for Carol but I couldn't find her."

"She was here." said Jessie. "She just brought some cookies up for Sam. He loves Carol's cookies."

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